The Hindu Vocabulary 9 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 9 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Regulation role: On the 2024 Medicine Nobel’’.


Part of Speech/Idiom







 A person or body that supervises or controls a particular activity or organization.


Controller, Supervisor, Administrator, Overseer, Enforcer, Manager, Inspector, Monitor, Governor, Custodian

Anarchist, Rebel, Dissenter, Disruptor, Deregulator, Opponent, Saboteur, Abettor, Disorganizer, Underminer

The government appointed a new regulator for the banking sector.



The process of converting spoken words into written form, or the process by which DNA is copied to RNA in cells.


Copying, Recording, Documentation, Replication, Writing, Duplication, Notation, Inscription, Reproduction, Transliteration

Translation, Interpretation, Erasure, Deletion, Modification, Confusion, Distortion, Obfuscation, Alteration, Displacement

The transcription of the meeting minutes was completed by the secretary.



To make something start working or to cause a device to function.

(सक्रिय करना)

Trigger, Start, Enable, Power, Initiate, Energize, Ignite, Launch, Stimulate, Operate

Deactivate, Disable, Halt, Inhibit, Stop, Block, Cease, Prevent, Terminate, Immobilize

Press this button to activate the machine.



To restrict or limit someone or something within certain boundaries.

(सीमित करना)

Restrict, Limit, Restrain, Enclose, Contain, Bound, Curb, Imprison, Trap, Hold

Release, Free, Liberate, Expand, Open, Unrestrict, Unbound, Widen, Let loose, Unchain

The patient was confined to bed rest after the surgery.




Strange or unusual, often in a distinctive or characteristic way.


Strange, Unusual, Odd, Eccentric, Weird, Distinctive, Bizarre, Curious, Uncommon, Exceptional

Common, Normal, Ordinary, Usual, Regular, Typical, Conventional, Routine, Familiar, Standard

His peculiar behavior at the party made everyone uneasy.




Not common, rare, or out of the ordinary.


Rare, Strange, Odd, Peculiar, Extraordinary, Exceptional, Bizarre, Weird, Curious, Unique

Common, Normal, Ordinary, Usual, Regular, Standard, Frequent, Conventional, Typical, Routine

The unusual pattern of the weather surprised the meteorologists.



Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.

(प्रचुर मात्रा में)

Plentiful, Ample, Bountiful, Overflowing, Copious, Lavish, Profuse, Prolific, Rich, Teeming

Scarce, Rare, Sparse, Limited, Insufficient, Deficient, Inadequate, Few, Meager, Insufficient

The forest is abundant with wildlife and plants.



The process of increasing the volume, power, or significance of something.


Enlargement, Expansion, Increase, Boost, Magnification, Intensification, Escalation, Strengthening, Heightening, Augmentation

Reduction, Minimization, Attenuation, Diminution, Compression, Decrease, Lessening, Weakening, Limitation, Shrinking

The amplification of the sound made the concert even more energetic.



Deviating from what is normal or usual, often in a worrying way.


Irregular, Unusual, Strange, Peculiar, Weird, Odd, Anomalous, Deviant, Exceptional, Uncommon

Normal, Usual, Common, Regular, Ordinary, Conventional, Standard, Routine, Customary, Expected

The doctor noticed an abnormal growth in the scan.



Relating to or characterized by rapid growth or reproduction.


Multiplying, Expanding, Growing, Spreading, Increasing, Flourishing, Propagating, Developing, Swarming, Thriving

Dormant, Stagnant, Inactive, Declining, Slowing, Retarded, Inhibitory, Restrained, Constricted, Diminishing

The disease is known for its proliferative effects on cells.



Serving as a preparation or introduction to something more important.


Initial, Introductory, Preparatory, Early, Prefatory, Beginning, Opening, Foundational, Foregoing, Prior

Concluding, Final, Ultimate, Main, Primary, Terminal, Definitive, Closing, Conclusive, Aftermath

The preliminary results of the survey were quite promising.



Having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future.


Possibility, Capability, Prospect, Promise, Power, Ability, Capacity, Likelihood, Talent, Aptitude

Unlikely, Impossible, Unpromising, Unfeasible, Improbable, Hopeless, Infeasible, Doubtful, Incapable, Incompetent

The potential for growth in this industry is enormous.

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