The Hindu Vocabulary 10 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 10 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Flipping scripts: On the Haryana and J&K election results".


Part of Speech/Idiom







Following one after another in uninterrupted succession.


Sequential, Continuous, Unbroken, Successive, Uninterrupted, Following, Serial, Ongoing, Progressive, Straight

Intermittent, Sporadic, Inconsistent, Discontinuous, Broken, Interrupted, Irregular, Disjointed, Scattered, Random

She won the race for three consecutive years.



To accumulate or receive payments or benefits over time.

(अर्जित करना)

Accumulate, Gather, Collect, Amass, Build up, Add, Pile up, Grow, Increase, Earn

Deplete, Spend, Lose, Diminish, Dissipate, Disburse, Expend, Waste, Drain, Forfeit

Interest will accrue on your savings account annually.



Having or showing the ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage.


Shrewd, Sharp, Clever, Intelligent, Insightful, Cunning, Perceptive, Crafty, Wise, Savvy

Foolish, Inept, Naive, Dull, Stupid, Clumsy, Blunt, Ignorant, Unintelligent, Incapable

His astute observations helped the company avoid a major financial disaster.



To burden someone with a responsibility or task.


Burden, Charge, Load, Encumber, Task, Oppress, Weigh down, Afflict, Impose, Obligate

Unburden, Relieve, Discharge, Free, Release, Exempt, Unload, Unchain, Liberate, Unshackle

The manager saddled him with the responsibility of organizing the event.



The holding of an office or the period during which one is held.


Tenure, Office, Term, Occupancy, Service, Administration, Authority, Reign, Governance, Duty

Vacancy, Displacement, Dismissal, Removal, Resignation, Unemployment, Departure, Abdication, Eviction, Exile

His incumbency as mayor has brought many positive changes to the city.



A state of anxiety or nervous excitement, or the action of stirring up public concern.


Disturbance, Unrest, Excitement, Turmoil, Anxiety, Protest, Disquiet, Stirring, Uproar, Commotion

Calmness, Peace, Serenity, Tranquility, Composure, Stability, Relaxation, Stillness, Harmony, Repose

The workers' agitation for higher wages resulted in a strike.




To turn something upside down or cause a drastic change in a situation.

(पलट देना)

Overturn, Invert, Flip, Tip, Capsize, Reverse, Disrupt, Alter, Overhaul, Disturb

Stabilize, Settle, Secure, Fix, Ground, Steady, Reinforce, Balance, Support, Maintain

The new policy could upend the traditional way of doing business.



Settling an issue or producing a definite result.


Conclusive, Determined, Final, Crucial, Definitive, Resolute, Firm, Critical, Clear, Authoritative

Indecisive, Uncertain, Hesitant, Ambiguous, Tentative, Undecided, Vague, Unclear, Unsure, Doubtful

His decisive leadership helped the team win the project.



A person who rises in opposition against an established government or authority.


Insurgent, Revolutionary, Dissenter, Protester, Mutineer, Defector, Nonconformist, Agitator, Maverick, Traitor

Loyalist, Follower, Supporter, Conformist, Obedient, Servant, Patriot, Adherent, Disciple, Loyal

The rebel group fought fiercely against the oppressive regime.




The action of fixing the boundaries or limits of something.


Boundary, Limit, Demarcation, Border, Confine, Edge, Perimeter, Restriction, Circumscription, Frontier

Extension, Expansion, Enlargement, Prolongation, Increase, Widening, Broadening, Unlimited, Free-flowing, Boundless

The delimitation of electoral constituencies is a sensitive political issue.




The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring


Chances, Likelihood, Possibility, Potential, Opportunity, Promise, Outlook, Expectation, Hope, Probability

Impossibility, Hopelessness, Despair, Discouragement, Doubt, Uncertainty, Unlikelihood, Questionability, Infeasibility, Improbability

The job offers good prospects for career advancement.



To give someone the authority or power to do something.

(सशक्त करना)

Authorize, Enable, Equip, Strengthen, Delegate, License, Encourage, Endow, Permit, Entrust

Disempower, Oppress, Weaken, Subdue, Inhibit, Restrain, Discourage, Limit, Subjugate, Suppress

The new policies aim to empower women in the workforce.


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