The Hindu Vocabulary 12 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 12 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Sweet and sour: On the laddu ‘adulteration’ case”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







The act of making something impure by adding inferior substances.


Contamination, Degradation, Dilution, Impurity, Corruption, Pollution, Devaluation, Tainting, Debasement, Spoiling

Purity, Refinement, Cleanness, Integrity, Wholesomeness, Unadulterated, Naturalness, Genuineness, Authenticity, Uncontaminated

The adulteration of food products can pose serious health risks.



The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly.


Holiness, Sacredness, Purity, Divinity, Reverence, Sanctitude, Virtue, Piety, Saintliness, Solemnity

Profanity, Impurity, Corruption, Defilement, Desecration, Unholiness, Sinfulness, Wickedness, Immorality, Irreverence

The sanctity of the temple was preserved for centuries.



In a skillful and quick manner.

(कुशलता से)

Skillfully, Adroitly, Dexterously, Expertly, Nimbly, Agily, Gracefully, Proficiently, Competently, Cleverly

Clumsily, Awkwardly, Incompetently, Ineptly, Unskillfully, Roughly, Sloppily, Carelessly, Inefficiently, Crudely

The artist deftly painted the intricate details on the canvas.



Treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just.


Neutral, Fair, Unbiased, Objective, Equitable, Disinterested, Even-handed, Nonpartisan, Just, Detached

Biased, Partial, Prejudiced, Unfair, Favorable, Subjective, Discriminatory, Partisan, Unjust, Influenced

The judge gave an impartial verdict after hearing both sides.



The state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict or disagreement.


Impartiality, Objectivity, Nonalignment, Disinterest, Detachment, Dispassion, Nonpartisanship, Equitability, Fairness, Balance

Bias, Prejudice, Partiality, Favoritism, Subjectivity, Engagement, Involvement, Partisanship, Alliance, Preference

The country maintained its neutrality during the war.



The official power to make legal decisions and judgments.

(अधिकार क्षेत्र)

Authority, Control, Command, Governance, Dominion, Power, Rule, Administration, Territory, Sovereignty

Powerlessness, Impotence, Inability, Ineptitude, Weakness, Incompetence, Submission, Subordination, Dependence, Restraint

This case falls under the jurisdiction of the federal courts.



A subtle or subsidiary quality, implication, or connotation.


Connotation, Undertone, Implication, Nuance, Suggestion, Subtext, Hint, Allusion, Intimation, Echo

Directness, Explicitness, Transparency, Openness, Clarity, Straightforwardness, Literalness, Exactness, Manifestation, Obviousness

His statement had political overtones that weren't immediately obvious.



The state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.


Involvement, Collaboration, Collusion, Partnership, Conspiracy, Participation, Assistance, Aid, Connivance, Abetment

Innocence, Detachment, Exoneration, Non-involvement, Blamelessness, Ignorance, Separation, Honesty, Goodness, Integrity

The company was accused of complicity in the environmental disaster.



As appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; allegedly.

(कथित रूप से)

Allegedly, Supposedly, Reportedly, Ostensibly, Apparently, Presumably, Believably, Assumedly, Putatively, Suppositionally

Certainly, Definitely, Truly, Factually, Actually, Clearly, Absolutely, Surely, Undoubtedly, Confirmedly

The man was purportedly involved in the scandal.




A substance that makes something impure or unclean by contact or mixture.


Pollutant, Toxin, Impurity, Adulterant, Foreign substance, Defilement, Poison, Corruption, Infection, Filth

Purifier, Cleanser, Disinfectant, Antidote, Detergent, Cleaner, Decontaminator, Antiseptic, Sterilizer, Sanitizer

The water was unsafe to drink due to the presence of contaminants.



A showy or grand display, often for ceremonial purposes.


Splendor, Grandeur, Pageantry, Magnificence, Show, Display, Ceremony, Extravagance, Spectacle, Parade

Simplicity, Modesty, Humility, Restraint, Plainness, Reserve, Subtlety, Understatement, Moderation, Austerity

The royal wedding was full of pomp and splendor.



A union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.


Partnership, Coalition, Union, Federation, Affiliation, Confederation, Association, Accord, Agreement, Treaty

Division, Opposition, Rivalry, Conflict, Discord, Separation, Disunity, Detachment, Hostility, Disagreement

The two companies formed an alliance to take on their competitors.


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