The Hindu Vocabulary 13 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 13 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Ratan Naval Tata: A philanthropist who went for the long haul’’


Part of Speech/Idiom







Showing no signs of fear or hesitation; steadfast and determined.


Resolute, Steadfast, Determined, Fearless, Unyielding, Stalwart, Firm, Brave, Tenacious, Unshaken

Hesitant, Fearful, Uncertain, Timid, Cowardly, Weak, Flexible, Doubtful, Faltering, Wavering

The soldier remained unflinching in the face of danger.



To pull or drag with effort or force; to transport something.


Drag, Pull, Transport, Carry, Lug, Move, Shift, Transfer, Tug, Yank

Push, Disperse, Scatter, Release, Drop, Abandon, Free, Let go, Neglect, Distribute

They had to haul the heavy equipment up the hill.




Free from disturbance; peaceful, quiet, and relaxed.


Peaceful, Serene, Tranquil, Quiet, Relaxed, Placid, Unruffled, Composed, Cool, Gentle

Agitated, Anxious, Disturbed, Nervous, Excited, Chaotic, Turbulent, Frenzied, Restless, Stressed

The lake was calm and still in the early morning.




Involving three parties, people, or groups.

(तीन भागों में बंटा)

Threefold, Three-way, Trilateral, Triangular, Three-part, Collaborative, Triumvirate, Shared, Allied, Joint

Unilateral, Bipartite, Singular, One-sided, Exclusive, Independent, Solitary, Individual, Dual, Separate

The countries signed a tripartite agreement to ensure mutual cooperation.



 A person chosen or appointed to act or speak for others.


Delegate, Agent, Ambassador, Envoy, Proxy, Spokesperson, Emissary, Advocate, Mediator, Nominee

Opponent, Individual, Adversary, Outsider, Independent, Antagonist, Detractor, Critic, Isolated, Autocrat

He was chosen as the representative of the student body.




A situation in which one must maintain a delicate balance; a difficult or risky situation.

(नाजुक स्थिति)

Dilemma, Precarious situation, Balance, Risk, Uncertainty, Challenge, Predicament, Tension, Hazard, Peril

Stability, Security, Safety, Certainty, Assurance, Balance, Steadiness, Firmness, Solidity, Confidence

Negotiating peace between the two nations is a diplomatic tightrope.



To dive or fall suddenly and steeply; to decrease rapidly.

(गोता लगाना )

Dive, Drop, Tumble, Descend, Fall, Submerge, Sink, Crash, Decline, Plummet

Rise, Ascend, Increase, Soar, Climb, Elevate, Lift, Improve, Recover, Grow

The stock prices plunged after the unexpected news.



 A deep or seemingly bottomless chasm; a profound difference between people or viewpoints.

(अथाह गहराई)

Chasm, Gorge, Gulf, Void, Pit, Canyon, Depth, Fissure, Bottomlessness, Precipice

Peak, Summit, Heights, Pinnacle, Crest, Zenith, Surface, Top, Plateau, Climax

The explorers stared down into the dark abyss.



A period or state of inactivity or equilibrium.


Inactivity, Immobility, Stillness, Equilibrium, Standstill, Stagnation, Suspension, Balance, Stability, Quiescence

Movement, Change, Progress, Activity, Flux, Motion, Transformation, Evolution, Development, Dynamism

The economy has been in a state of stasis for several months.



In a way that shows an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage.

(चतुराई से)

Shrewdly, Wisely, Cleverly, Skillfully, Smartly, Strategically, Intelligently, Sagely, Tactfully, Insightfully

Naively, Foolishly, Ineptly, Stupidly, Blindly, Unintelligently, Clumsily, Ignorantly, Carelessly, Indiscreetly

She astutely handled the negotiations to secure the best deal.



To restore confidence or remove doubts.

(आश्वस्त करना)

Comfort, Calm, Soothe, Encourage, Convince, Console, Assure, Support, Relieve, Strengthen

Discourage, Worry, Deter, Frighten, Alarm, Disturb, Dishearten, Stress, Trouble, Upset

The doctor reassured the patient that the surgery would be successful.



Hopeful and confident about the future.


Hopeful, Positive, Confident, Upbeat, Cheerful, Encouraging, Promising, Bright, Expectant, Assured

Pessimistic, Doubtful, Hopeless, Negative, Cynical, Gloomy, Despondent, Distrustful, Worried, Fearful

Despite the challenges, she remained optimistic about the outcome.

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