The Hindu Vocabulary 14 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 14 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “India needs to move from legalese to ‘legal-easy’’’


Part of Speech/Idiom







Including all parts, members, or elements.


Comprehensive, All-encompassing, Universal, Embracing, General, Complete, Whole, Global, Total, All-inclusive

Exclusive, Limited, Selective, Restricted, Narrow, Discriminative, Isolated, Particular, Segregated, Specific

The policy is meant to be inclusive of all employees, regardless of their background.



To seize and hold firmly; to understand something.


Seize, Grip, Clutch, Comprehend, Understand, Grasp, Catch, Hold, Master, Perceive

Release, Let go, Drop, Misunderstand, Lose, Forget, Ignore, Misinterpret, Surrender, Abandon

She quickly grasped the complex concepts during the lecture.



Previously mentioned or stated.


Previously mentioned, Stated above, Prior, Forementioned, Referred to, Preceding, Said earlier, Above-stated, Mentioned before, Foregoing

Unmentioned, New, Untold, Unstated, Unspecified, Unnoted, Subsequent, Future, Later, Following

The aforesaid rules must be followed strictly.



The act of declaring something invalid, typically a marriage or legal decision.

(रद्द करना)

Cancellation, Invalidation, Nullification, Repeal, Abolition, Revocation, Termination, Dissolution, Void, Abrogation

Validation, Confirmation, Approval, Ratification, Endorsement, Acceptance, Enactment, Enforcement, Authorization, Sanction

The court ordered the annulment of the contract due to fraud.



Preconceived opinion not based on reason or actual experience.


Bias, Discrimination, Partiality, Intolerance, Preconception, Bigotry, Narrow-mindedness, Stereotyping, Injustice, Disfavor

Impartiality, Fairness, Objectivity, Neutrality, Justice, Tolerance, Open-mindedness, Equality, Equity, Unbiasedness

The decision was made without any prejudice.



The quality of being logically or factually sound; legally binding.


Legitimacy, Authenticity, Soundness, Accuracy, Strength, Lawfulness, Veracity, Genuineness, Authority, Reliability

Invalidity, Illegitimacy, Falseness, Weakness, Illegality, Incorrectness, Unsoundness, Nullity, Falsehood, Fraudulence

The validity of the research was questioned after errors were found in the data.




The action of providing or supplying something; a condition or requirement in a legal document


Supply, Arrangement, Stipulation, Clause, Condition, Requirement, Precaution, Measure, Distribution, Reservation

Deprivation, Denial, Lack, Shortage, Scarcity, Omission, Refusal, Withdrawal, Exclusion, Absence

The contract includes a provision for early termination.



A period of two weeks.


Two weeks, Half-month, Fourteen days, Biweekly, Period, Time, Interval, Fortnightly, Time span, 15 days

Instant, Day, Hour, Month, Year, Long time, Eternity, Moment, Flash, Short span

He will be back in a fortnight.



Failure to fulfill an obligation, especially to repay a loan.


Nonpayment, Breach, Lapse, Failure, Neglect, Omission, Negligence, Inaction, Forfeit, Deficiency

Compliance, Payment, Fulfillment, Adherence, Execution, Settlement, Performance, Completion, Achievement, Success

He defaulted on his mortgage payment, leading to foreclosure.



A deficit of something required or expected.


Deficit, Lack, Deficiency, Insufficiency, Scarcity, Dearth, Shortcoming, Undersupply, Inadequacy, Gap

Surplus, Excess, Abundance, Overflow, Plenty, Sufficiency, Fullness, Satisfaction, Gain, Surfeit

The company faced a shortfall in meeting its quarterly sales targets.




To come before something in time or order.

(आगे होना)

Lead, Come before, Antedate, Herald, Foreshadow, Advance, Pioneer, Introductory, Outrun, Forego

Follow, Succeed, Come after, Proceed, Trail, Result, Accompany, Linger, Extend, Persist

The introduction precedes the main body of the text.




Relating to punishment, especially for breaking the law.


Punitive, Disciplinary, Correctional, Punishing, Penological, Penalizing, Retaliatory, Reformatory, Judicial, Condemning

Rewarding, Incentive, Non-punitive, Permissive, Rehabilitative, Lenient, Law-abiding, Tolerant, Lawful, Corrective

He was sent to a penal colony for his crimes.


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