The Hindu Vocabulary 15 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 15 October 2024 is from the Editorial title “Take the gauntlet: On safety and the Indian Railways”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







The fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others.


Preference, Precedence, Primacy, Superiority, Importance, Urgency, Ranking, Dominance, Main concern, Seniority

Unimportance, Neglect, Inferiority, Insignificance, Delay, Low-priority, Minor, Irrelevance, Optional, Later

Ensuring the safety of the people is the top priority for the government.



A person killed or injured in a war or accident.

(दुर्घटना का शिकार)

Victim, Fatality, Sufferer, Loss, Injury, Dead, Harm, Disaster, Mishap, Incident

Survivor, Rescue, Protection, Security, Winner, Escape, Health, Well-being, Recovery, Prosperity

The accident resulted in several casualties.



To provide or give a service, help, or performance.


Provide, Deliver, Offer, Give, Supply, Contribute, Perform, Present, Execute, Produce

Withhold, Deny, Remove, Refuse, Conceal, Retain, Block, Retract, Hide, Suppress

The artist rendered a beautiful painting of the landscape.



Not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.


Risky, Dangerous, Hazardous, Insecure, Unstable, Uncertain, Perilous, Shaky, Dicey, Unreliable

Secure, Stable, Safe, Certain, Firm, Steady, Reliable, Protected, Assured, Strong

The ladder was in a precarious position, making it unsafe to climb.



The full extent or distance between two points in time or space.


Duration, Extent, Range, Period, Reach, Stretch, Interval, Width, Length, Coverage

Break, End, Gap, Shortness, Narrowness, Limit, Bound, Confinement, Pause, Segment

His career spanned more than three decades.




The state of being insecure, uncertain, or unstable.


Insecurity, Instability, Uncertainty, Fragility, Vulnerability, Risk, Doubtfulness, Volatility, Shakiness, Hazard

Stability, Security, Certainty, Assurance, Safety, Firmness, Strength, Solidity, Reliability, Steadiness

The precarity of the job market leaves many people uncertain about their future.



To examine and make repairs or improvements to something.


Revamp, Repair, Renovate, Rebuild, Reorganize, Improve, Fix, Modernize, Redesign, Update

Neglect, Ignore, Damage, Harm, Ruin, Break, Deteriorate, Destroy, Worsen, Wreck

The car needed a complete overhaul after the engine broke down.



Deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad in quality.

(अत्यंत बुरा)

Disgraceful, Appalling, Horrible, Shameful, Wretched, Unacceptable, Dreadful, Abominable, Terrible, Despicable

Admirable, Praiseworthy, Commendable, Excellent, Respectable, Wonderful, Impressive, Desirable, Good, Satisfactory

The living conditions in the slums are absolutely deplorable.




A disease that spreads over a large area, affecting a high proportion of the population.


Epidemic, Widespread, Plague, Infection, Outbreak, Contagion, Pervasive, Universal, Endemic, Far-reaching

Localized, Contained, Sporadic, Regional, Restricted, Isolated, Insular, Minor outbreak, Limited, Confined

The COVID-19 pandemic affected almost every country in the world.



A space devoid of matter; an absence of something.


Emptiness, Void, Nothingness, Blank, Gap, Absence, Hollow, Deficiency, Lack, Depletion

Presence, Occupation, Filled, Fullness, Occupied, Saturation, Abundance, Plenty, Congestion, Crowdedness

The leadership vacuum in the company created a lot of confusion.




Careful and persistent work or effort.


Hard work, Dedication, Effort, Industriousness, Attentiveness, Perseverance, Thoroughness, Assiduity, Commitment, Conscientiousness

Negligence, Carelessness, Laziness, Inattention, Sloth, Idleness, Apathy, Indifference, Lethargy, Inactivity

The student's diligence paid off when she scored top marks in the exam.




A piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face; something that hides or disguises.


Cover, Mask, Cloak, Shield, Hide, Conceal, Shroud, Obscure, Screen, Disguise

Expose, Reveal, Unveil, Disclose, Show, Unmask, Display, Uncover, Divulge, Open

The truth was hidden behind a veil of secrecy.

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