The Hindu Vocabulary 16 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 16 October 2024 is from the Editorial title “Taking guard: On the RBI and growth concerns”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







A decision or conclusion, especially a formal one given by a jury or judge.


Judgment, Decision, Ruling, Conclusion, Determination, Resolution, Pronouncement, Sentence, Outcome, Finding

Uncertainty, Mistrial, Ambiguity, Hesitation, Confusion, Question, Indecision, Doubt, Non-conclusion, Inconclusiveness

The jury reached a unanimous verdict after three days of deliberation.



To formally admit someone to a position or organization.

(सम्मिलित करना)

Admit, Enroll, Initiate, Introduce, Install, Appoint, Accept, Embrace, Enlist, Recruit

Expel, Oust, Reject, Exclude, Discharge, Remove, Dismiss, Deny, Banish, Bar

He was inducted into the Hall of Fame for his contributions to the sport.



The path followed by an object moving under the action of given forces.


Path, Course, Route, Arc, Flight, Orbit, Progression, Direction, Line, Motion

Stationary, Halt, Stagnation, Stability, Immobility, Fixed path, Stillness, Standstill, Non-movement, Regression

The missile's trajectory was carefully calculated to hit the target.



A general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.


Price rise, Escalation, Growth, Expansion, Increase, Surge, Boom, Hike, Soaring, Cost push

Deflation, Recession, Price drop, Depression, Stagnation, Stability, Lowering, Diminishment, Decrease, Collapse

Inflation has raised the cost of basic goods, making them unaffordable for many.



The avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in behavior or political opinions.


Restraint, Balance, Self-control, Temperance, Sobriety, Mildness, Modesty, Prudence, Calmness, Regulation

Excess, Extremism, Overindulgence, Immoderation, Exaggeration, Overdoing, Intemperance, Agitation, Extremity, Exorbitance

Moderation in diet and exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle.



The sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale.

(खुदरा व्यापार)

Selling, Sale, Merchandising, Commerce, Trading, Store, Outlet, Shop, Distribute, Market

Wholesale, Bulk, Mass, Distribution, Large-scale, Trade, Export, Manufacturer, Supplier, Producer

The new store focuses on retail sales of electronics and appliances.



With full agreement by all involved.

(सर्वसम्मति से)

Collectively, Together, As one, Without opposition, With one voice, In agreement, Harmoniously, Concordantly, Undividedly, Concurrently

Disagreeably, Divisively, Differently, Variously, Separately, Inconsistently, Contradictorily, Conflictingly, Dissentingly, Discordantly

The proposal was approved unanimously by the board.




To say something again, typically for emphasis or clarity.

(बार-बार दोहराना)

Repeat, Restate, Recap, Reaffirm, Echo, Emphasize, Reassert, Rephrase, Reemphasize, Reiterate

Withdraw, Revoke, Rescind, Retract, Cancel, Suppress, Reverse, Dismiss, Deny, Withhold

The teacher reiterated the instructions to ensure everyone understood the assignment.



In a clear and precise manner; without any doubt or confusion.

(स्पष्ट रूप से)

Clearly, Explicitly, Plainly, Obviously, Definite, Precisely, Transparently, Distinctly, Unequivocally, Concretely

Ambiguously, Vaguely, Confusingly, Obscurely, Doubtfully, Unclearly, Inexactly, Uncertainly, Muddled, Doubtfully

The instructions were unambiguously written to avoid any confusion.



 A sharp increase in the amount or rate of something.

(अचानक वृद्धि )

Surge, Rise, Increase, Peak, Hike, Jump, Upsurge, Escalation, Leap, Boom

Drop, Decline, Decrease, Fall, Dip, Plunge, Slump, Reduce, Crash, Diminish

The sudden spike in demand led to higher prices for the product.



Optimistic or confident about the future, especially with reference to stock markets expecting rising prices.


Optimistic, Positive, Upbeat, Confident, Hopeful, Expectant, Assured, Sure, Enthusiastic, Buoyant

Bearish, Pessimistic, Negative, Doubtful, Depressed, Discouraged, Cautious, Gloomy, Uncertain, Hesitant

Investors are feeling bullish about the tech market’s potential for growth.



To reduce something, especially prices or costs, significantly.

(कटौती करना )

Cut, Reduce, Decrease, Lower, Trim, Shrink, Drop, Minimize, Diminish, Curtail

Raise, Increase, Boost, Hike, Expand, Extend, Enhance, Augment, Grow, Multiply

The company decided to slash prices to attract more customers.

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