The Hindu Vocabulary 14 November 2022


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 12 November 2022 is from the Editorial titled ‘Research first: On the UGC move on research papers by Ph.D. scholars.’


Part of Speech/Idiom







A learned or erudite person.

A student.

A student who has been awarded a scholarship.

(विद्वान/ छात्र/ शागिर्द/ पंडित)

Academic, Doctor, Intellectual, Philosopher, Professor, Scientist, Student, Teacher


Radhika is a renowned scholar of Modern History.



The action or state of forcing or being forced to do something.


Obsession, Coercion, Urgency, Constraint, Obligation

Free will, Independence, License, Freedom

He joined skating classes under compulsion from his parents.



Compulsory or required by law.


Binding, Compulsory, Obligatory, Essential, Forced, Imperative

Free, Inessential, Optional, Secondary, Voluntary

It is mandatory to wear a helmet while driving a two-wheeler.



A proposition stated for consideration.

A subject for the essay.

A dissertation on a particular subject in which one has done original research.

A dissertation or proposition that a person offers to maintain by the argument for scholastic honours.

(थीसिस/ निबंध/ प्रसंग/ मान्यता)

Contention, Hypothesis, Opinion, Premise, Proposition, Supposition, Argument, Essay, Memoir, Monograph

Fact, Proof, Reality, Truth

He is being asked to submit his final thesis next month.



Below standard.

Of a lower quality or quality not meeting the set norms.

(रद्दी/ अवमानक)

Cheap, Inadequate, Lousy, Shoddy

Good, Adequate, Satisfactory

Professor rejected all the projects with substandard work.



Relating to achieving a doctorate.

A thesis or research work that is written to obtain a doctor’s degree.




He has given five years in doing research and finally presents his doctoral thesis this coming Thursday.



To give emphasis to something.

(ज़ोर देना/ महत्त्व देना)

Accent, Foreground, Accentuate, Affirm

Deny, Lose, Mumble, Depreciate

He emphasized that we should focus on one thing at a time.



Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.


Helpful, Useful, Contributive, Leading

Useless, Worthless, Discouraging, Hindering

The current global economic outlook is not conducive to investing in new businesses.



A treatise on a particular subject.

A highly detailed and thoroughly documented study.

An account of a single thing.

A book that is a detailed study of only one subject.

(प्रबंध/ विशेष निबंध/ किसी एक विषय पर लेख/ विनिबंध/ पुस्तिका)

Dissertation, Essay, Thesis, Treatise


We are going to explore scholarly monography on ancient history.



Exclusive rights regarding manufacturing, using, or selling, granted by an authority to the inventor of something.


Charter, License, Privilege, Flagrant

Ambiguous, Clean, Fuzzy, Obscure

My friend has been granted two patents.



A new idea or something different introduced.


Coinage, Concoction, Wrinkle, Addition, Modernization

Stagnation, Custom, Habit, Old

We need to stay updated with the latest innovations in computer technology.



A meeting for consultation.

The act of consulting together.

An association of athletic teams.

A meeting of two or more persons for discussing matters of common concern.

(सम्मेलन/ सभा/ परामर्श/ मन्त्रणा)

Consultation, Discussion, Forum, Interview, Association, League

Silence, Quiet

He is very keen to go to the conference on automobile engineering.


To hold or participate in the conferences.

(सम्मेलनों में शामिल होना या भाग लेना।)



The manager called all the team members into the conference room to conference upon the latest changes in the product design.



To call upon officially or authoritatively to appear (as before a court)

(अदालत में तलब करना)

Call, Order, Command, Summon


The research paper cites my professor’s previous work.

To quote by way of example, authority or proof

(उदाहरणार्थ प्रस्तुत करना)

Allege, Allude to, Indicate, Mention, Offer

Conceal, Deny, Take, Withhold

She was cited by the leader for her bravery.



To have a loud explosion.

To bring a result opposite to what was expected.

(जवाबी हमला/ प्रतिविस्फोटन/ प्रतिज्वलन/ व्यर्थ या निष्‍फल हो जाना)

Fail, Flop, Backlash, Boomerang

Accomplish, Achieve, Succeed

The plan to fight elections with old candidates has backfired.



A person of the same status.

A person who is equal in abilities to another.

Something of equal worth.

A nobleman

(समकक्ष/ समान पद का)

Gentleman, Milord, Grandee, Nobleman, Associate, Rival, Companion, Compeer

Inferior, Superior

He was very respected among his peers.


To look narrowly or curiously.

To come slightly into view.

(बराबर होना/ झांकना)

Gape, Gawk, Bore, Eye

Ignore, Neglect

The article will be accepted only after it is peer-reviewed.

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What was the percentage of the population below the poverty line (BPL) according to the Census 2011? / जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार गरीबी रेखा से नीचे (बीपीएल) जनसंख्या का प्रतिशत कितना था? [SSC CGL 14 July 2023]
