The Hindu Vocabulary 10 November 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 10 November 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Reviewing freedom: On the Kerala High Court case and negative reviews of films".


Part of Speech/Idiom







Intending to do harm or cause injury; characterized by spite or ill will.


Spiteful, Malevolent, Vindictive, Vicious, Hostile, Nasty, Evil-minded, Mean, Hateful, Venomous

Benevolent, Kind, Compassionate, Altruistic, Good-natured, Friendly, Amiable, Benevolent, Generous, Sympathetic, Empathetic

The malicious gossip aimed to tarnish her reputation among her colleagues.



Authentic, real, and sincere, not fake or counterfeit.


Authentic, Legitimate, Real, Sincere, True, Honest, Pure, Valid, Original, Actual

Fake, Counterfeit, False, Sham, Phony, Bogus, Artificial, Insincere, Fraudulent, Spurious

Her genuine concern for others made her a trustworthy friend.



A person or entity with the ability to influence the opinions, behaviors, or decisions of others, especially within a specific niche or industry.


Opinion leader, Trendsetter, Authority, Luminary, Celebrity, Thought leader, Maven, Role model, Guru, Mentor

Follower, Non-influencer, Ignorer, Disregarder, Conformist, Subordinate, Uninfluenced, Unaffected, Unswayed, Uninformed

The influencer's recommendation led to a significant increase in product sales.



To obtain something, often money, through force, threats, or abuse of power.

(जबरदस्ती हथियाना)

Coerce, Blackmail, Demand, Extract, Squeeze, Wring, Force, Obtain by force, Wrest, Rack

Offer, Give, Donate, Offer willingly, Grant, Surrender, Donate, Bestow, Contribute, Volunteer

The gang attempted to extort money from the shop owner in exchange for protection.



Relating to, or given during an intermediate stage of a legal process or a conversation between parties.


Intermediate, Provisional, Temporary, Interim, Provisionary, Transitional, Preliminary, Interposing, Intervening, Interim

Final, Conclusive, Ultimate, Definitive, Conclusive, Settled, Finished, Definite, Lasting, Conclusive

The court issued an interlocutory injunction until a final decision was made in the case.



Diligently and meticulously, with great attention to detail and strict moral principles.

(ईमानदारी से)

Meticulously, Carefully, Diligently, Conscientiously, Thoroughly, Attentively, Rigorously, Assiduously, Painstakingly, Circumspectly

Carelessly, Sloppily, Negligently, Heedlessly, Inattentively, Slapdash, Incautiously, Hastily, Incautiously, Thoughtlessly

She scrupulously reviewed the contract before signing it.





Obvious, easily seen or understood, seeming or appearing to be true without being necessarily so.


Clear, Evident, Obvious, Clear-cut, Visible, Manifest, Plain, Patent, Transparent, Distinct

Hidden, Concealed, Obscure, Unapparent, Unclear, Ambiguous, Unseen, Unnoticeable, Veiled, Hidden

Her frustration was apparent from the tone of her voice.



The state of something being unresolved, especially legal matters awaiting a decision or settlement.


Pending, Unsettled, Unresolved, Unfinished, Pending, Undecided, Unconcluded, Incomplete, Hanging, Unsettled

Resolved, Concluded, Settled, Finished, Decided, Completed, Finalized, Settled, Closed, Concluded

The pendency of the case caused anxiety among the parties involved.



Done consciously and intentionally; carefully thought out or planned in advance.


Intentional, Purposeful, Calculated, Planned, Pre-meditated, Considered, Designed, Intended, Willful, Premeditated

Accidental, Unintentional, Unplanned, Unintended, Inadvertent, Unconscious, Impulsive, Unpremeditated, Unstudied, Unpurposed

The team made a deliberate effort to address the issues raised by the customers.



To release from or as if from a bridle; to free from restraint or control.

(बांध छोड़ना)

Free, Release, Liberate, Unleash, Unshackle, Unleash, Unfetter, Untie, Unchain, Let loose

Restrain, Confine, Bridle, Control, Confine, Restrain, Hold, Tie up, Bind, Harness

He needed to unbridle his creativity to explore new ideas for the project.



A formal decision made by a judge or jury in a court case or a judgment or opinion.


Judgment, Decision, Ruling, Conclusion, Determination, Decision, Pronouncement, Finding, Ruling, Judgment

Indecision, Question, Doubt, Ambiguity, Uncertainty, Hesitation, Speculation, Questioning, Ambivalence, Unclear

The jury reached a unanimous verdict of "not guilty" in the case.



To examine something methodically by separating it into parts for closer inspection and understanding.


Examine, Study, Inspect, Investigate, Scrutinize, Review, Explore, Probe, Break down, Evaluate

Accept, Ignore, Neglect, Overlook, Disregard, Glance, Neglect, Ignore, Overlook, Dismiss

The team will analyze the data before drawing any conclusions.



A particular part or feature of something, a specific way in which something may be considered.


Feature, Facet, Perspective, Angle, View, Dimension, Attribute, Element, Characteristic, Part

Whole, Entirety, Totality, Entire, Complete, All, Fullness, Aggregated, Entirety, Totality

The financial aspect of the plan needed further examination.


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