The Hindu Vocabulary 22 September 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 22 September 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Silent killer: On hypertension and the first WHO report on the subject."


Part of Speech/Idiom







Adequate means sufficient or enough to meet a particular need or requirement.


Sufficient, Ample, Satisfactory, Satisfying, Satisfying, Sufficient, Enough, Competent, Suitable, Abundant, Passable

Inadequate, Insufficient, Deficient, Short, Scarce, Limited, Unsatisfactory, Unsatisfactory, Lacking, Scant

The amount of food provided was adequate for everyone at the party.



Grim means very serious or gloomy, often in a frightening or threatening way.


Bleak, Stern, Severe, Harsh, Dour, Dreary, Gloomy, Somber, Unpleasant, Morose

Cheerful, Joyful, Pleasant, Sunny, Bright, Optimistic, Happy, Delightful, Positive, Upbeat

The dark clouds and thunder made the atmosphere feel grim and foreboding.



A reminder is a message or cue that helps you remember something.


Prompt, Memo, Notice, Alert, Memoir, Memo, Prompting, Nudge, Recall, Signal

Forgetfulness, Neglect, Oblivion, Disregard, Negligence, Amnesia, Inattention, Unawareness, Blankness, Dismissal

She set a reminder on her phone for the important meeting



Disability refers to a physical or mental condition that limits a person's abilities in some way.


Impairment, Handicap, Incapacity, Inability, Limitation, Weakness, Deficiency, Condition, Disorder, Infirmity

Ability, Capability, Competence, Proficiency, Skill, Aptitude, Capacity, Strength, Prowess, Talent

Despite her disability, she pursued a successful career in music.



A continuous sequence or range with no clear divisions.


Continuation, Sequence, Range, Spectrum, Progression, Uninterrupted, Succession, Gradation, Series, Chain

Discontinuity, Disjunction, Gap, Disconnection, Interruption, Break, Halt, Disruption, Fragmentation, Segmentation

The colors of the rainbow form a beautiful continuum, blending seamlessly into one another.



Extremely overweight or fat.


Overweight, Fat, Stout, Corpulent, Rotund, Chubby, Plump, Portly, Heavy, Bulky

Slim, Thin, Lean, Skinny, Svelte, Slender, Trim, Fit, Healthy, Underweight

Her doctor advised her to lose weight because she was becoming obese and at risk of health problems.



To consume means to eat, drink, or use up something.


Ingest, Devour, Use, Imbibe, Absorb, Gobble, Swallow, Utilize, Deplete, Exhaust

Preserve, Save, Conserve, Store, Hoard, Abstain, Spare, Withhold, Keep, Maintain

She decided to consume the delicious chocolate cake in one sitting.



To recognize by signs and symptoms. (निदान करना)

Identify, Detect, Determine, Recognize, Pinpoint, Discover, Assess, Evaluate, Establish

Miss, Overlook, Misdiagnose, Dismiss

The doctor diagnosed the presence of a bacterial infection.



Relating to the edge or borderline; minimal or insignificant.


Peripheral, Borderline, Minimal, Minor, Limited, Fringe, Insignificant, Modest, Nominal, Subordinate

Central, Core, Primary, Major, Essential, Vital, Prominent, Significant, Dominant, Substantial

His role in the project was marginal, contributing very little to its success.



A sudden disabling attack or loss of consciousness caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain.

The act of striking as with the fist.


Apoplexy, Seizure, Cerebrovascular accident, Fit, Paroxysm, Convulsion, Attack, Blow, Coup, Thump


Recovery, Health, Wellness, Improvement, Vitality


He suffered a stroke and was rushed to the hospital.



To put a plan or decision into action.

(लागू करना)

Execute, Apply, Carry out, Enforce, Execute, Administer, Execute, Realize, Fulfill, Achieve

Abandon, Cease, Halt, Neglect, Postpone, Suspend, Terminate, Cancel, Undo, Revoke

The company decided to implement a new training program for its employees.



The act of revising or restructuring something to improve it.


Revision, Restructuring, Modification, Refinement, Adjustment, Alteration, Amendment, Overhaul, Redesign, Renovation

Preservation, Maintenance, Retention, Conservation, Stagnation, Stasis, Obstruction, Rigidity, Resistance, Status quo

The reformulation of the company's marketing strategy led to increased sales.



To officially register or join a program, school, or organization.

(पंजीकृत करना)

Register, Join, Sign up, Enlist, Matriculate, Enter, Engage, Admit, Enlist, Enlist

Unenroll, Withdraw, Resign, Drop out, Quit, De-register, Discontinue, Abandon, Forsake, Refuse

She decided to enroll in the art class to improve her painting skills.

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