The Hindu Vocabulary 11 May 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 11 May 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Turmoil and test: On Haryana politics”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







A state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.


Chaos, Disorder, Confusion, Tumult, Commotion, Upheaval, Disarray, Disturbance, Turbulence, Unrest

Peace, Calm, Serenity, Tranquility, Order, Stability, Harmony, Quiet, Contentment, Ease

The country was in turmoil following the unexpected announcement.



An alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states.


Alliance, Union, Federation, Confederation, Partnership, Collaboration, Combine, League, Bloc, Association

Division, Discord, Disunity, Dissension, Fragmentation, Separation, Schism, Disagreement, Rivalry, Conflict

The two parties formed a coalition to address common issues.



A thing, especially a trend or fact, that indicates the state or level of something.

( संकेतक)

Signal, Sign, Marker, Pointer, Guide, Symbol, Cue, Clue, Gauge, Measure

Misleading, Deceptive, Inaccurate, False, Unreliable, Ambiguous, Uncertain, Vague, Obscure, Confusing

Rising unemployment rates are often an indicator of economic downturn.



Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.


Obligatory, Mandatory, Compulsory, Required, Essential, Binding, Imperative, Needed, Necessary, Inherent

Optional, Voluntary, Discretionary, Noncompulsory, Unnecessary, Avoidable, Expendable, Elective, Nonobligatory, Unrequired

It is incumbent upon us to ensure the safety of our citizens.



 Occurring or done at once; instant


Instant, Prompt, Quick, Swift, Rapid, Instantaneous, Direct, Immediate, Instantaneous, Urgent

Delayed, Deferred, Postponed, Distant, Remote, Protracted, Prolonged, Belated, Slow, Gradual

The doctor requested immediate attention to the emergency patient.



Attempt to find (something).


Search, Hunt, Look for, Pursue, Quest, Explore, Scour, Probe, Investigate, Ferret

Abandon, Ignore, Neglect, Shun, Disregard, Forsake, Renounce, Relinquish, Surrender, Resign

They seek answers to life's profound questions.



Make (something) physically stronger or more solid.


Strengthen, Unify, Integrate, Combine, Merge, Amalgamate, Fuse, Solidify, Fortify, Reinforce

Disperse, Separate, Scatter, Break up, Disintegrate, Fragment, Divide, Weaken, Dilute, Debilitate

The company aims to consolidate its position in the market.



 Relating to cultivated land or the cultivation of land.


Rural, Farming, Agricultural, Countryside, Pastoral, Rustic, Peasant, Agronomic, Cultivating, Gardening

Urban, Industrial, Metropolitan, Cosmopolitan, Nonagricultural, Developed, Technological, Modern, Sophisticated, Civilized

The region's economy is primarily agrarian, relying heavily on farming.



A stake put up by a player in poker and similar games before receiving cards.

(पहले का)

Before, Prior, Preceding, Foregoing, Earlier, Previous, Preliminary, Introductory, Precedent, Advance

After, Behind, Posterior, Subsequent, Following, Later, Consequent, Rearward, Abaft, Aft

He raised the ante in the game, increasing the stakes.



The central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or oscillates.


Swivel, Axis, Fulcrum, Center, Hub, Turning point, Nexus, Core, Focus, Heart

Fixed, Stable, Static, Immobile, Stationary, Inflexible, Stagnant, Unmoving, Inert, Rigid

The team's strategy began to pivot after analyzing the market trends.


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