The Hindu Vocabulary 30 April 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 30 April 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Turnout and tropes: On phase two voter turnout and election rhetoric”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







Relating to or involving comparison between two or more things.


Relative, Proportional, Analogous, Correlative, Similar, Equitable, Parallel, Corresponding, Proportionate

Absolute, Dissimilar, Unrelated, Independent, Unconnected, Unmatched, Irrelevant, Incomparable, Unrelated

The comparative analysis of the two investment options helped me make a decision.



To force or persuade someone to do something.

(मजबूर करना)

Force, Coerce, Oblige, Pressure, Drive, Constrain, Push, Influence, Impel, Urge

Allow, Enable, Permit, Free, Liberate, Encourage, Persuade, Entice, Convince, Suggest

The urgency of the situation will compel us to act quickly.

Turn Out


The number of people attending or taking part in an event, meeting, or activity.


Attendance, Participation, Presence, Showing, Arrival, Gathering, Crowd, Assembly, Convergence

Absence, Nonattendance, Decline, Decrease, Dwindling, Drop, Reduction, Retreat, Ebb, Fall

The turnout at the concert was impressive, with thousands of fans filling the stadium.



The holding of an office or the period during which one holds an office or position.

(कार्यकाल, पदभार)

Tenure, Occupation, Term, Holding, Position, Responsibility, Obligation, Duty, Stewardship

Vacancy, Unemployment, Unoccupied, Abandonment, Resignation, Departure, Exemption, Freedom, Relief, Liberation

The incumbent's incumbency was marked by several significant policy reforms.



A person or thing that is vital to an organization or system.

(मुख्य तत्त्व, अहम व्यक्ति)

Key, Pivot, Mainstay, Backbone, Cornerstone, Foundation, Anchor, Centerpiece, Core

Insignificant, Irrelevant, Unimportant, Minor, Peripheral, Trivial, Nonessential, Inconsequential, Dispensable

The CEO was the lynchpin of the company's success, guiding its growth and development



The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.

(वक्रपटुता, वक्रबद्धता)

Oratory, Eloquence, Persuasion, Artifice, Discourse, Expression, Verbiage, Bombast, Grandiloquence, Flourish

Plainness, Directness, Sincerity, Candor, Authenticity, Bluntness, Simplicity, Transparency, Frankness, Truthfulness

The politician's speech was filled with empty rhetoric, lacking substance or genuine commitment.



A movable joint or mechanism on which a door, gate, or lid swings as it opens and closes.

(कुंजीपट्टी, संधि)

 Pivot, Joint, Swivel, Link, Connection, Knuckle, Fulcrum, Articulation, Axis, Centre

Fixed, Stationary, Immovable, Stagnant, Rigid, Unbending, Stuck, Inflexible, Solid, Static

The rusty hinge creaked loudly as the old door swung open, revealing the hidden room behind it.



The support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an organization or individual bestows on another.

(संरक्षण, समर्थन)

Support, Sponsorship, Advocacy, Backing, Endorsement, Assistance, Favor, Aid, Protection, Patronization

Opposition, Disapproval, Detraction, Criticism, Dissent, Hostility, Opposition, Resistance, Disfavor, Neglect

The artist's talent attracted the patronage of wealthy collectors who eagerly bought his paintings.



Leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others.

(प्रधानता, विजय)

Domination, Supremacy, Control, Authority, Influence, Ascendancy, Mastery, Command, Leadership, Sovereignty

Subservience, Subordination, Inferiority, Weakness, Powerlessness, Subjection, Impotence, Dependence, Submission, Obedience

Throughout history, many empires have sought to establish hegemony over vast territories and diverse peoples.



A revival or comeback, especially after a period of decline.

(पुनरुत्थान, पुनर्जीवन, पुनर्जागरण)

Revival, Reawakening, Rebirth, Resurrection, Renewal, Recovery, Regeneration, Restoration, Rejuvenation, Renascence

Decline, Downturn, Regression, Decrease, Diminishment, Fall, Loss, Retreat, Withdrawal, Failure

The city experienced a cultural and economic resurgence after decades of stagnation.



Special importance, value, or prominence given to something.

(महत्व, प्रमुखता, जोर, भार)

Accentuation, Stress, Highlight, Importance, Significance, Weight, Intensity, Emphasis, Prominence, Focus

Neglect, Disregard, Unimportance, Triviality, Insignificance, Indifference, Irrelevance, Inconsequence, Trifle

 The teacher placed great emphasis on the importance of studying regularly for the exam.



To move or swing back and forth, Influence, Authority, Dominion.

(झूलना, प्रभाव, शासन, प्रभुता)

Influence, Control, Power, Command, Swaying, Sway, Rule, Hold

Stability, Immobility, Stagnation, Fixity, Inflexibility, Stiffness, Resistance, Inactivity, Rigidity, Staleness

The gentle breeze caused the trees to sway gently in the wind.


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