The Hindu Vocabulary 28 April 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 28 April 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Trust in machines: On the Supreme Court and the EVM”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







To comfort or restore confidence to someone.

(साहस देना, समझाना)

Comfort, Console, Encourage, Support, Soothe, Calm, Assure, Comfort, Hearten, Reassure

Distress, Worry, Agitate, Upset, Alarm, Frighten, Panic, Unsettle, Disquiet, Perturb

The doctor tried to reassure the patient that everything would be alright.



A path or track laid through a forest, field, or other natural terrain, typically used for walking or riding.

(पथ, पथिक)

Path, Track, Route, Pathway, Footpath, Lane, Walkway, Trailway, Road, Way

Lead, Guide, Direct, Command, Lead the way, Show the way, Follow, Trace, Pursue, Chase

The hiking trail wound through the dense forest, offering breathtaking views along the way.



Something that cannot be remedied or fixed; irreparable



Irreversible, Irremediable, Incurable, Hopeless, Unrecoverable, Unfixable, Intractable, Unalterable, Unsolvable, Unrepairable

Remediable, Fixable, Repairable, Rectifiable, Correctable, Mendable, Recoverable, Salvageable, Restorable, Reversible

The damage to the ancient artifacts was irremediable, leaving historians devastated.



An unfilled space or gap; a missing part

(खाली स्थान, अभाव)

Gap, Void, Blank, Absence, Hole, Interval, Vacancy, Blankness, Space, Deficiency

Fulfillment, Completion, Saturation, Sufficiency, Presence, Abundance, Plenitude, Repletion, Perfection, Fullness

There was a lacuna in the report where important data was missing, leading to confusion among the readers.



The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

(असाधारणता, अस्थिरता, दुर्बलता)

Weakness, Fragility, Susceptibility, Exposure, Risk, Openness, Helplessness, Fragileness, Frailty

Strength, Invulnerability, Resilience, Fortitude, Robustness, Security, Protection, Safety, Defensiveness, Immunity

Despite his confident exterior, he concealed a deep vulnerability that only a few close friends were aware of.



Tending to return to a former or less developed state; becoming less advanced; going backward.

(प्रतिगामी, प्रतिस्थायी, पुराने प्रणालियों पर लौटनेवाला)

Backward, Retrograde, Reactionary, Retrogressive, Traditionalist, Conservatory, Conservative, Retrospective, Old-fashioned, Reactionary

Progressive, Forward-looking, Advanced, Innovative, Futuristic, Modern, Dynamic, Revolutionary, Liberal, Reformist

The regressive policies of the government are hindering the country's progress towards social equality.



To weaken or damage something, especially a person's ability to think, see, hear, or move.

(नुकसान पहुंचाना, कमजोर करना)

Damage, Weaken, Harm, Diminish, Undermine, Hinder, Hamper, Compromise, Debilitate, Enfeeble

Improve, Enhance, Strengthen, Boost, Aid, Repair, Restore, Revitalize, Rehabilitate, Rejuvenate

The accident impaired his vision, making it difficult for him to see clearly.



Anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

(चिंता, डर)

Anxiety, Fear, Worry, Unease, Dread, Nervousness, Trepidation, Concern, Alarm, Panic

Confidence, Assurance, Calmness, Reassurance, Composure, Serenity, Poise, Tranquility, Certainty, Conviction

She felt a sense of apprehension before the job interview, worrying if she was prepared enough.



A state of mind that tends to become angry or irritable.

(उत्तेजना, गुस्सा)

Anger, Rage, Wrath, Fury, Ire, Indignation, Frustration, Agitation, Annoyance, Outburst

Calmness, Serenity, Tranquility, Patience, Composure, Equanimity, Contentment, Mildness, Gentleness, Tolerance

His temper flared when he realized his phone was missing.



Absolutely necessary or essential.


Essential, Vital, Crucial, Necessary, Required, Fundamental, Imperative, Integral, Requisite, Mandatory

Dispensable, Optional, Unnecessary, Expendable, Nonessential, Inessential, Redundant, Superfluous, Unwanted, Disposable

Water is indispensable for human survival.



Disagreement or dispute.


Dispute, Argument, Conflict, Controversy, Debate, Strife, Discord, Dissension, Disagreement, Wrangling

Agreement, Harmony, Accord, Consensus, Concurrence, Unity, Cooperation, Peace, Resolution, Understanding

The main point of contention between the two parties was the division of property.



Not biased; fair and just


Fair, Just, Unprejudiced, Neutral, Objective, Even-handed, Impartial, Disinterested, Equitable, Detached

Biased, Partial, Prejudiced, Unfair, Partisan, Subjective, Discriminatory, Inclined, One-sided, Favorable

The judge promised to be impartial and make a fair decision in the case.


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