The Hindu Vocabulary 7 May 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 7 May 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Yearning for change: On Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh going to the polls”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







To divide into two branches or parts

(दो भागों में बांटना)

Divide, Split, Separate, Segregate, Part, Branch, Fork, Diverge, Dissever, Cleave

Unify, Combine, Merge, Join, Converge, Fuse, Cohere, Integrate, Consolidate, Amalgamate

The river will bifurcate into two streams ahead.



To have an intense longing or desire for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from

(आगे बढ़ना)

Crave, Long, Pine, Hunger, Thirst, Covet, Wish, Crave, Desire, Hanker

Abhor, Despise, Loathe, Repel, Dislike, Abandon, Reject, Shun, Detest, Scorn

She yearned for the peace and tranquility of the countryside.



A feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be.


Disappointment, Disenchantment, Discontent, Frustration, Letdown, Disillusion, Despondency, Chagrin, Dismay

Satisfaction, Contentment, Fulfillment, Pleasure, Elation, Gratification, Cheerfulness, Delight, Joy, Ecstasy

His experience with the company led to a profound disillusionment with corporate life.



Continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.


Tenacious, Determined, Resolute, Dogged, Unwavering, Stubborn, Relentless, Steadfast, Enduring, Persevering

Inconsistent, Irresolute, Unsteady, Fickle, Indecisive, Capricious, Volatile, Transient, Fleeting, Ephemeral

Despite numerous setbacks, she remained persistent in her pursuit of her dreams.



The action of subduing someone or something by force.


Suppression, Restraint, Constraint, Oppression, Subjugation, Quelling, Control, Inhibition

Liberation, Freedom, Release, Unrestraint, Emancipation, Expression, Disclosure, Ventilation, Outpouring, Release

The repression of dissenting voices only fueled the people's desire for change.



The repeal or abolition of a law, right, or agreement.


Repeal, Annulment, Nullification, Rescission, Cancellation, Voiding, Withdrawal, Revocation, Dissolution

Establishment, Institution, Continuation, Maintenance, Preservation, Enactment, Ratification, Confirmation, Endorsement, Upholding

The abrogation of the treaty caused diplomatic tensions between the two nations.



The state or experience of being alienated from something, typically a social group or culture.


Estrangement, Isolation, Detachment, Disaffection, Disconnection, Segregation, Exclusion, Divorce, Seclusion, Disengagement

Integration, Inclusion, Belonging, Assimilation, Acceptance, Familiarity, Comradeship, Reconciliation, Accord, Harmony

His alienation from his peers left him feeling lonely and isolated.



Apparently or purportedly, but perhaps not actually.

(जाहिरा रूप से)

Apparently, Seemingly, Supposedly, Allegedly, Presumably, Evidently, Outwardly, Professedly, Putatively, Purportedly

Genuinely, Actually, Truly, Really, Authentically, Sincerely, Honestly, Transparently, Openly, Candidly

The company's decision to downsize was ostensibly due to financial reasons, but many suspected other motives.



Restore to life or consciousness.

(पुनर्जीवित करना)

Resuscitate, Renew, Restore, Rejuvenate, Regenerate, Refresh, Reanimate, Rekindle, Reactivate, Resurrect

Kill, Destroy, Eradicate, Annihilate, Exterminate, Suppress, Squash, Quash, Extinguish, Eliminate

The medical team worked tirelessly to revive the patient after the accident.



A union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.


Partnership, Coalition, Confederation, Federation, Union, League, Collaboration, Association, Pact, Treaty

Rivalry, Hostility, Enmity, Conflict, Discord, Opposition, Disagreement, Dispute, Feud, Animosity

The alliance between the two political parties ensured victory in the election.


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