The Hindu Vocabulary 7 October 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 6 October 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Equality and identity: On the findings of the Bihar caste count."


Part of Speech/Idiom







Fair and just; treating everyone fairly and equally.


Fair, Just, Impartial, Even-handed, Unbiased, Reasonable, Righteous, Honest, Ethical, Balanced

Unfair, Biased, Discriminatory, Unequal, Partial, Inequitable, Unjust, Prejudiced, Partial, One-sided

The equitable distribution of resources among the participants ensured a fair competition.



To emphasize or highlight something to make it more noticeable.

(बल देना)

Emphasize, Highlight, Stress, Spotlight

Minimize, Downplay, Diminish, Disregard

The use of bold colours in the painting was accentuating the artist's intended message.



Extremely large or vast; huge.


Enormous, Massive, Gigantic, Tremendous, Colossal, Mammoth, Monumental, Vast, Prodigious, Titanic

Tiny, Small, Minuscule, Petite, Diminutive, Little, Puny, Lilliputian, Insignificant, Microscopic

The mountain range had an immense, awe-inspiring presence.



To catch as in a trap.

(फंदे में फ़ंसाना)

Entoil, Immesh, Ensnarl, Entrap

Disentangle, Extricate, Free, Clear

He was trapped in the burning wreck.



Drawing out or evoking a response, reaction, or information from someone.

(प्राप्ति करना)

Extracting, Evoking, Obtaining, Prompting, Drawing out, Soliciting, Provoking, Inducing, Inspiring, Generating

Suppressing, Inhibiting, Concealing, Repressing, Stifling, Quashing, Hiding, Withholding, Keeping, Silencing

Her heartfelt speech had a way of eliciting tears from the audience.



Written or spoken communication or discussion on a particular topic.


Conversation, Dialogue, Discussion, Communication, Conversation, Debate, Converse, Chat, Colloquy, Exchange, Talk

Silence, Monologue, Soliloquy, Quiet, Muteness, Reticence, Inarticulateness, Speechlessness, Hush, Taciturnity

The discourse on climate change brought together experts from around the world to discuss solutions.



To think about something again, especially with the possibility of changing one's decision or opinion.

(पुनर्विचार करना)

Review, Rethink, Reevaluate, Reexamine, Reflect, Second-guess, Reappraise, Reanalyze, Reassess, Recontemplate

Decide, Finalize, Settle, Conclude, Determine, Firm, Commit, Stick to, Uphold, Maintain

After receiving new information, he decided to reconsider his stance on the issue.



A disagreement or clash between two or more parties, often involving opposing interests or views.


Dispute, Struggle, Battle, Fight, Contention, Discord, Confrontation, Friction, Clash, Rivalry

Harmony, Peace, Agreement, Accord, Conciliation, Truce, Reconciliation, Cooperation, Unity, Understanding

The conflict between the two countries over the border dispute has lasted for years.



To combine or merge into a single, unified, or stronger entity.

(समेकित करना)

Unite, Merge, Combine, Integrate, Fuse, Join, Amalgamate, Cohere, Solidify, Strengthen

Divide, Separate, Disintegrate, Fragment, Break apart, Dissolve, Scatter, Weaken, Disperse, Fragment

The company decided to consolidate its various departments to streamline operations and increase efficiency.



The use of borrowed capital or resources to increase the potential return of an investment, or the influence or advantage gained from a situation.


Exploit, Utilize, Capitalize on, Use, Harness, Manipulate, Maximize, Benefit from, Cash in on, Turn to one's advantage

Underutilize, Neglect, Mismanage, Squander, Waste, Undermine, Miss out on, Fail to capitalize on, Ignore

The company used leverage to finance its expansion, allowing it to grow rapidly.



To include or absorb something into a larger or more comprehensive category or concept.

(किसी नियम के अंतर्गत करना)

Incorporate, Integrate, Include, Encompass, Assimilate, Absorb, Merge, Engulf, Embrace, Comprehend

Exclude, Isolate, Separate, Segregate, Divide, Detach, Distinguish, Disentangle, Dissect, Withdraw

The new theory subsumed the previous hypotheses, providing a more comprehensive explanation.



Unfairness or injustices, often related to disparities in opportunities, treatment, or outcomes.


Injustices, Unfairness, Inequality, Discrimination, Imbalances, Disparities, Biases, Prejudices, Oppression, Partiality

Fairness, Equity, Equality, Justice, Even-handedness, Impartiality, Balance, Parity, Neutrality, Rectitude

Addressing social inequities is essential for creating a more just and equal society.

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