The Hindu Vocabulary 6 October 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 5 October 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Undeclared Emergency: On the arrests and actions in Newsclick case."


Part of Speech/Idiom







Extremely cold or relaxing in a casual and enjoyable way.


Freezing, Icy, Frosty, Relaxing, Unwinding, Laid-back, Calming, Soothing, Refreshing, Easygoing

Warm, Hot, Boiling, Stifling, Intense, Stressed, Tense, Hectic, Anxious, Unsettling

After a long day of work, she enjoyed a chilling evening by the fireplace with a good book.



Unwilling to accept or tolerate different opinions, beliefs, or behaviors.


Bigoted, Narrow-minded, Prejudiced, Inflexible, Dogmatic, Close-minded, Stubborn, Unaccepting, Rigid, Fanatical

Tolerant, Accepting, Open-minded, Liberal, Broad-minded, Inclusive, Flexible, Understanding, Respectful, Welcoming

His intolerant attitude towards people from different cultures made it difficult for him to build diverse relationships.



Bold and without shame, often in a disrespectful or defiant manner.


Audacious, Shameless, Impudent, Bold, Defiant, Daring, Impertinent, Cheeky, Insolent, Cocky

Timid, Shy, Modest, Reserved, Humble, Polite, Respectful, Submissive, Meek, Bashful

Her brazen behavior during the meeting shocked her colleagues, as she openly criticized the boss's decisions.



To strike or hit something with force, or to make a sharp sound, often with the lips.


Hit, Strike, Slap, Whack, Punch, Clap, Snap, Crack, Pop, Thump

Caress, Pat, Stroke, Gentle, Soothe, Soft, Smooth, Cuddle, Embrace, Hug

He smacked the ball with all his strength, sending it flying over the fence.



Extremely harsh, severe, or strict, often referring to rules or laws.


Stringent, Rigorous, Severe, Extreme, Stern, Harsh, Uncompromising, Oppressive, Inflexible, Authoritarian

Lenient, Gentle, Mild, Permissive, Tolerant, Flexible, Merciful, Compassionate, Moderate, Easygoing

The company's draconian policies made it difficult for employees to balance work and personal life.



To take hold of suddenly or forcibly; to capture or grab.


Grab, Grasp, Capture, Snatch, Apprehend, Clutch, Secure, Acquire, Confiscate, Commandeer

Release, Let go, Relinquish, Surrender, Free, Release, Drop, Abandon, Discontinue, Yield

The police were able to seize the stolen goods from the suspect's house.



Using force or threats to make someone do something against their will.


Forceful, Compelling, Intimidating, Persuasive, Pressuring, Constraining, Coercing, Domineering, Bullying, Repressive

Persuasive, Convincing, Gentle, Diplomatic, Respectful, Noncoercive, Respectful, Lenient, Tolerant, Supportive

The coercive tactics employed by the dictator led to widespread fear and obedience among the citizens.



To cause something to start or happen, often suddenly or unexpectedly.


Activate, Initiate, Spark, Elicit, Prompt, Incite, Provoke, Set off, Stimulate, Instigate

Prevent, Halt, Stop, Inhibit, Restrain, Suppress, Deter, Curb, Discourage, Quell

His careless words could trigger a heated argument among the group.



Nearness in space, time, or relationship; closeness.


Nearness, Closeness, Vicinity, Neighboring, Adjacency, Immediacy, Contiguity, Approximation, Propinquity, Convergence

Distance, Remoteness, Faraway, Isolation, Separation, Disconnection, Aloofness, Detachment, Divergence, Alienation

The proximity of the park to their house made it a convenient place to take their children for a walk.



The act of making malicious statements or spreading false information to harm someone's reputation.


Defamation, Slander, Libel, Calumny, Smear, Character assassination, Denigration, Maligning, Disparagement, Slur

Praise, Commendation, Acclamation, Applause, Admiration, Eulogy, Endorsement, Flattery, Honor, Approval

The politician faced vilification in the media due to the false accusations made against him.



Exclusively or entirely; only.


Only, Exclusively, Entirely, Solely, Completely, Purely, Merely, Just, Simply, Alone

Partially, Wholly, Together, Jointly, Collectively, Shared, Mutually, Inclusively, In combination, Alongside

The decision was solely his to make, and he took full responsibility for it.



A person who is unfairly blamed or punished for the mistakes or wrongdoing of others.


Fall guy, Patsy, Sacrificial lamb, Dupe, Victim, Whipping boy, Target, Blame-shifter, Martyr, Lightning rod

Culprit, Wrongdoer, Perpetrator, Responsible party, Guilty party, Accomplice, Mastermind, Co-conspirator, Participant, Collaborator

John became the scapegoat for the team's failure, even though it was a collective effort.

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