The Hindu Vocabulary 29 October 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 29 October 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Mystery trial: On the case of the former Indian Navy personnel in Qatar".


Part of Speech/Idiom







Something difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify, often involving secrecy or enigma.


Enigma, Puzzle, Conundrum, Secret, Puzzle, Riddle, Unknown, Puzzle, Uncertainty, Obscurity

Clarity, Certainty, Explanation, Solution, Disclosure, Openness, Transparency, Comprehension, Unveiling, Acknowledgment

The sudden disappearance of the artifact was a complete mystery.



To charge someone with an offense or crime, typically by providing reasons or evidence.

(आरोप लगाना)

Blame, Charge, Censure, Denounce, Implicate, Incriminate, Allegate, Arraign, indict, finger

Exonerate, Absolve, Acquit, Vindicate, Clear, Justify, Defend, Praise, Uphold, Support

They accuse him of stealing the documents.



The practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the activities and plans, especially of a foreign government or a business competitor.


Spying, Surveillance, Intelligence, Clandestine, Covert, Infiltration, Reconnaissance, Eavesdrop, Snoop

Disclosure, Openness, Transparency, Reveal, Candid, Overt, Honesty, Publicity, Clarity

The espionage activity revealed many confidential documents.



Small in quantity or amount, barely sufficient, meagre.


Minimal, Insufficient, Sparse, Scarce, Limited, Scanty, Paltry, Inadequate, Bare

Abundant, Plentiful, Sufficient, Adequate, Ample, Copious, Substantial, Lavish, Generous, Plenteous

The company provided only scant details about the new project.



Relevantly or appropriately, in a way that relates directly to the matter being discussed or dealt with.

(उचित रूप से)

Appositely, Aptly, Appropriately, Relevantly, Accurately, Properly, Suitably, Fittingly, Conclusively

Inappropriately, Improperly, Irrelevantly, Inconclusively, Unfittingly, Unnecessarily, Unrelatedly

She addressed the audience pertinently, answering the questions directly.



Meaningful, to bring something in from a foreign country, something of significance or importance.


Significance, Meaning, Value, Consequence, Importance, Relevance, Weight, Substance, Impact

Triviality, Insignificance, Irrelevance, Worthlessness, Inconsequence, Insignificancy

The new trade agreement will import beneficial changes for both countries.



Specific, a certain detail or item of importance, individual.


Specific, Certain, Specificity, Detail, Individual, Distinct, Peculiar, Precise, Unique, Particularized

General, Universal, Unsuspicious, Broad, Common, Public, Collective, Indefinite, Nonspecific, Imprecise

He was very particular about the ingredients he used in his cooking.



To block or obstruct passage, an act to prevent access or progress, isolation.


Barricade, Hinder, Obstruct, Enclosure, Impede, Barrier, Obstruction, Prevention, Embargo, Blockage

Clear, Passage, Unobstructed, Allowance, Accessibility, Opening, Permeability, Clearance, Freedom, Assistance

The protestors established a blockade to prevent the entry of vehicles into the restricted area.



People residing outside their native country, emigrants, citizens living abroad.


Emigrants, Settlers, Emigres, Migrants, Exiles, Migrators, Diasporas, Evacuees, Outlanders

Natives, Inhabitants, Residents, Locals, Citizens, Nationals, Homebodies, Indigenes, Compatriots

The company offers assistance programs for its expatriates living in various countries.



Necessary for completeness, essential, fundamental.


Essential, Fundamental, Crucial, Vital, Indispensable, Intrinsic, Pivotal, Basic, Central, Key

Inessential, Unnecessary, Dispensable, Expendable, Unimportant, Irrelevant, Superfluous

Good communication skills are integral to a successful career in any field.



A crack, split, or break in something.


Breach, Division, Separation, Disagreement, Schism, Fracture, Cleavage, Discord, Break, Fissure

Agreement, Accord, Harmony, Unity, Connection, Reconciliation, Alliance, Understanding, Consensus, Conformity

The argument caused a rift between the two friends, leading to a strained relationship.



To produce, cause, or give rise to something.


Generate, Create, Cause, Induce, Provoke, Beget, Prompt, Breed, Foment, Elicit

Halt, Stifle, Suppress, Deter, Quell, Squelch, Repress, Inhibit, Restrain, Suppress

The new policy is expected to engender positive changes within the company.



Harm or damage caused to someone or something.


Harm, Damage, Loss, Injury, Impairment, Disadvantage, Disadvantageous, Prejudice, Deterioration, Destruction

Benefit, Advantage, Boon, Aid, Assistance, Help, Profit, Blessing, Improvement, Amelioration

His absence will be to the detriment of the team's chances of winning.


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