The Hindu Vocabulary 9 August 2022


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 9 August 2022 is from the Editorial titled ‘New hopes: on the new Vice-President of India and parliamentary democracy.’



Part of Speech/Idiom







Relating to, enacted by, or suitable for a parliament.


Legislative, Senatorial, Decreeing, Lawgiving, Congressional, Ordaining


The parliamentary standing committee will submit its report within two weeks.



Make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and beating or hammering it.


To make or imitate falsely especially with intent to defraud

(जाली नक़ल करना/ बनाना) 

Build, Construct, Create, Form, Hammer out, Shape

Falsify, Produce, Design, Duplicate, Fake, Feign

Break, Demolish, Dismantle, Neglect, Ruin

Be original, Raze, Destroy

He forged the signature of his father on the report card.



Someone who is employed by a business at a senior level.

The person or persons in which the supreme executive power of a government is vested.

The executive branch of a government.

(कार्यपालक/ कार्यकारिणी शक्ति/ शासनात्मक सत्ता)

Administration, Administrator, Official, Supervisor, Boss, Chief, Commander, Director

Employee, Follower, Worker

She is working as a senior executive in the bank.


Relating to the execution of laws and the conduct of public affairs.

Of or relating to an executive.

Relating to carrying out plans.

(कार्यकारी/ शासनात्मक)

Managerial, Governing, Ruling, Controlling, Directorial

Subordinate, Nonmanagerial, Nonsupervisory

She has the upper hand in executive abilities.



Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.


Binding, obligatory, Compulsory, Necessary, Required

Optional, Voluntary, Discretionary, Elective, Free, Open

It is incumbent for the disaster response force to act quickly during an earthquake.




Occupant, Official


The incumbent assembly speaker asked members to vote on the bill.



To hold oneself back voluntarily.

To choose not to vote.

(बचना/ परहेज रखना)

Cease, Quit, Refrain, Shun

Continue, Accept, Face, Allow

India has abstained from voting against Russia twice.



Strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material.


Bolster, Boost, Build up, Emphasize

Decrease, Discourage, Let down, Prevent

He reinforced his participation in the national-level football competition.



A leather strap attached to each end of the bridle, by which the rider controls the horse or other animals by pulling it.

A restraining influence.

Opportunity for unhindered activity.

(लगाम/ नियंत्रण/ बाग-डोर)

Curb, Bit, Deterrent, Brake, Guide, Check


My wife gave full rein to her imagination while painting an African tribal art.


To curb or control.

To stop as if by pulling reins.

(रोकना/ संयम करना/ अधीन करना)

Curb, Repress, Restrict, Collect, Compose, Cool, halt, Suppress

Encourage, Continue, Free, Disperse, Scatter, Release

My colleague was unable to rein his impatience when his boss scolded him.



Throw or impel.

(जोर से फेंक कर मारना)

Throw, Toss, Pitch, Cast, Launch, Lob, Fling, Heave, Hurl

Catch, Hold, Keep, Stay, Upheld, Receive

He catapulted small rocks toward the bar.



The focus of public attention

(प्रमुख/ प्रसिद्ध/ महत्त्वपूर्ण/ प्रधान)

Outstanding, Arresting, Bulging, Embossed, Jutting, Marked, Noticeable, Obvious, Distinguished, Eminent, Great, Notable, Popular, Preeminent, Renowned, Respected

Depressed, Inconspicuous, Obscure, Sunken, Ordinary, Invisible, Inferior, Insignificant, Poor, Unimportant, Unknown

PV Sindhu is in limelight for winning gold in women’s singles at the Commonwealth Games.



The art or ability to use language effectively.

(भाषण कला)

Hyperbole, Oratory, Address, Bombast

Quiet, Conciseness

Global leaders are ramping up the harsh rhetoric against Russia to pressurize it to stop the war.



defensive covering for the body

a quality or circumstance that affords protection


Ammunition, Buckler, Cover, Defence, Guard, Protection, Screen, Security

Answer, Misunderstand

The new type of tank armours is being developed by DRDO.



Inclined to criticize severely.

Exercising judicious evaluation.

Of the nature of a crisis.

Some important juncture.

(गंभीर/ आलोचनात्मक/ नाजुक/ फुलाना/ आलोचनावादी)

Demanding, Analytical, Belittling, Biting, Crucial, Dangerous, Decisive, Dire, Carping, Rejective

Complimentary, Praising, Trivial, Laudatory, Certain, Inessential, Minor, Safe, Uncritical

His diary is critical evidence in the entire case.



Avoid or circumvent (an obstacle or problem).

(से बचने)

Avoid, Evade, Dodge, Escape, Elude, Circumvent

Consider, Contemplate, Examine, Review, Appraise

The writer might bypass the secondary source of information.



Make an action or process easy or easier

(सुगम बनाना)

Aid, Ease, Expedite, Further, Promote, Speed, Simplify

Block, Cease, Check, Delay, Halt, Hinder

We have decided to facilitate small startups by providing them with technical support.



To give support or defend.

(बरकरार रखा)

Confirm, Defend, Support, Back, Promote

Attack, Deny, Oppose, Protest

The verdict would only be upheld if you go to higher courts as the case is crystal clear.



The fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.


Responsibility, Liability, Answerability, Reporting, Obedience


The public officials lacking accountability will be dismissed from the service.


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