The Hindu Vocabulary 24 April 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 24 April 2023 is from the Editorial titled “No small change: on the raising of returns on small savings schemes”.



Part of Speech/Idiom








Something which acts as a stimulus or boost to an activity.


Incentive, Encouragement, Stimulus, Stimulation, Boost, Provoke

Dull, Dampen, Hamper, Deaden, Drain

His entry gave a big fillip to the event.


A hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument

(आगे बढ़ना)

Blow, Swipe, Punch, Hit, Stroke, Smack

Retreat, Back, Behind, Stay, Inactive

Your win was a fillip to the Boxing team of India.



Still in existence; surviving


Current, Present, Extant, Living, Operating

Dead, Extinct, Gone

The Sculptures at Khajuraho are still extant.



Too small in amount

(बहुत कम, स्‍वल्‍प)

Scant, Little, Diminutive, Sparing, Insignificant, Pinpoint, Frivolous

Adequate, Ample, Plentiful, Rich, Sufficient, Wealthy

One should eat a meagre of breakfast and plenty of lunch.



Small in size or importance


Insignificant, Minimal, Negligible, verging, Low

Important, Significant, Core, Internal, Central

Nothing has improved except marginal features.




To go to a place and bring back somebody/something

(कहीं जाकर कुछ लाना)

 Go for, Obtain, Produce, Retrieve, Yield, Bring, Produce

Avoid, Deny, Discourage, Dissuade, Maintain, Retain

If you throw it, Sammy will fetch it again to you.


In the sense of sell for (Used about goods) to be sold for the price mentioned

(सामान निर्दिष्ट मूल्‍य पर बिकना)

Make, Raise Earn, Yield

Retain, Withhold, Hide, Conceal, Keep, Fix, Stay

The Buffalo fetched more than we assumed.



Wanting to behave in a particular way

(प्रवृत्त, इच्‍छुक, प्रवृत्तियुक्त)

Inclined, Prone, Inclinable, Engaged, Occupied, Willing, Disposed, Given, Predisposed, Tending

Disinclined, Likely, Unwilling, Reluctant, Averse

I am not inclined to argue with Rahim.



Seeming or stated to be real or true, but not necessarily real or true

(निर्दिष्ट, दिखावटी)

Avowed, Plausible, Professed, Purported, Apparent, Demonstrative Exhibited


Hidden, Improbable, Real, Actual, Impossible

The ostensible reason for his visit was to meet Dr. Abhimanyu, not the surgery.



To be about to happen

(होने वाला हो)

Brew, impend, Approach, Threaten, Advance,

Fall, Disappear, Vanish, Fade, Diminish, Lessen, Dwindle

We should try to deal with the problems that loom ahead.



Recurring every five years

(आवर्ती हर पांच साल)

Pentagonal, Pentamerous,     Quinary, Quinate, Quinquereme, Quinquevalent


The first election for a quinquennial period of time will take place in August.



A short period of great activity

(उत्‍कट क्रियाशीलता का छोटा दौर)

Spell, Period, Time, Stint, Turn, Session, Streak, Spot, Cycle

Unify, Arrive, Wholly

After a drinking bout at the party, a fight is normal.




To cover the top of something

(ढकना, आच्‍छादित करना)

Hat, Helmet, Headgear, Skullcap, Bonnet, Lid, Top, Cover, Roof


The mountains in Shimla were capped with snow.


To limit the amount of money that can be spent on something

(ख़र्च पर रोक लगाना)

Limit, Restrict, Tighten, Confine, Hinder, Hamper, Impede

Exceed, Expand, Broaden, Widen, Overreach

One should cap the money spent on shopping.




An amount that is extra or more than you need

(ज़रूरत से अधिक या अतिरिक्त मात्रा)

Excess, Overflow, Abundance, Surfeit, Oversupply, Bounty, Plethora

Deficit, Deficiency, Lack, Scarcity, Dearth

The trade surplus is a favourable condition for any country.


More than the amount that is needed: constituting a surplus

(अतिरिक्त, फ़ालतू, ज़रूरत पूरी होने के बाद बचा हुआ)

Excess, Extra, Spare, Additional, Unwanted, Superfluous, Redundant, Unnecessary

Insufficient, Scarce, Deficient, Scanty, Meagre, Inadequate

I sell my surplus stock to the other Shop Keeper.



Left completely and no longer used or wanted

(अनचाही वस्‍तु को पूर्ण रूप से त्‍यागा या छोड़ा हुआ)

Desert, Forsake, Forego, Discard, Relinquish, Repudiate, Waive, Renounce, Abdicate

Retain, Maintain, Continue, Cherish

I abandoned the Activa scooter after an accident.


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