The Hindu Vocabulary 22 April 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 22 April 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Veto by silence: on judiciary-executive relations”.



Part of Speech/Idiom







Done on purpose, planned

(जान-बूझ कर किया हुआ; योजनानुसार)

Intentional, Voluntary, Willing, Considered, Calculative, Reasoned, Planned, Thoughtful

Casual, Random, Haphazard, Unadvised, Hasty

His task is deliberated.


To think about or discuss something fully before making a decision

(निर्णय करने से पहले किसी बात को पूरी तरह सोचना-समझना)

Contemplate, Ponder, Consider, Debate, Analyze, Prepend

Slight, Ignore, Disregard, Dismiss, Reject

Aditi deliberated on her decision for a long time before acting.




To stop yourself doing something; to not do something

(कुछ करने से अपने को रोकना; कोई ख़ास काम न करना)

Abstain, Avoid, Forego, Forbear, Constrain, Withhold, Reject

Submit, Yield, Surrender, Bow, Concede

Radha was going to make a joke of him but she refrained herself.


A part of a song which is repeated, usually at the end of each verse

(गीत में टेक जो प्रायः प्रत्‍येक छंद के अंत में दोहाराई जाती है)

Chorus, Undersong, Theme


Ravi sang only on the refrain of the song.




Used to say something is possibly true


Apparently, Doubtless, Probably, Seemingly, Supposedly, Surely

Questionably, Unlikely, Uncertain, Improbably, Doubtfully

Ravi can presumably afford buying a new car every year.



To emphasize the importance something (ज़ोर देना)

Emphasise, Underline, Reinforce, Underline, Deepen, Enhance, Accentuate, Stress, Bring out

Reduce, Minimize, Lighten, Mitigate, Undermine, Attenuate

You need to underscore the important points of the speech.



To repeat an opinion, statement, etc. that has already been said to make the meaning clear or to emphasize it.

(बार बार दुहराना)

Repeat, Replicate, Renew, Reprise, Duplicate, Remake, Redo, Recreate, Re-enact, Reduplicate

Broken, Ceasing, Continual, Ending, Inconstant, Infrequent, Intermittent

The thief reiterated that he has not committed the murder.



Put into force or operation (प्रभावी)

Accomplish, Achieve, Cause, Create, Execute, Generate, Make, Produce

Abandon, Destroy, Fail, Halt, Lose, Miss, Ruin

The schemes can work well if put our focus on bringing effectuate change in behaviour,



Likely to be or to happen; possible

(संभावित; संभव)

Eventual, Expected, Proposed, Soon-to-be, About to be, Approaching, Awaited

Previous, Prior, Anterior, Precedent

She met her prospective husband on a very sad day.



Something that makes it difficult for a person or thing to move or progress

(बाधा, रुकावट)

Barrier, Bottleneck, Burden, Defect, Deterrent, Difficulty

Advantage, Assistance, Aid, Blessing, Boon, Permission

Your weak emotional IQ is an impediment to your success.



Give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something (प्रोत्साहित करना)

Encourage, Stimulate, Promote, Spur, Embolden, Push

Discourage, Daunt, Dishearten, Depress, Undermine


Her word emboldened me to sit for the exam again.



The fact of being pre-eminent or most important (प्रधानता)

Primacy, Preponderance, Ascendency, Supremacy, Excellence, Transcendence

Insignificance, Inferiority, Obscurity, Mediocrity

Sometimes religious laws took primacy in India over Legal Laws.

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