The Hindu Vocabulary 21 April 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 21 April 2023 is from the Editorial titled Numbers game: On the State of World Population Report 2023 and the India projection.”


Part of Speech/Idiom







To form an opinion or make a judgment about a situation by using facts that you know from a different situation.

(अन्‍य स्थिति से संबंधित तथ्‍यों के आधार पर स्थिति विशेष का मूल्‍यांकन करना)

Deduce, Hypothesize, Assume, Conclude, Anticipate, Predict, Foretell, Derive, Infer

Destroy, Leave, Decode

I can extrapolate the size of your house on the basis of the average room size given by you.



To waver in mind, will, or feeling: hesitate in choice of opinions or courses.

(विचार या मत में) टुलमुल होना, डाँवाँडोल होना)

Dither, Fluctuate, Oscillate, Seesaw, Waver, Alternate, Change, Hesitate

Decide, Continue, Stir, Advance, Remain, Stay, Continue, Hold

He is vacillating between the two situations.



As in planted to put or set into the ground to grow


Planted, Sowed, Drilled, Transplanted, Bedded, Replanted

Harvested, Reaped, Gathered

I seeded the field with corn seeds.



As in psychotic - having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind.

(सामान्‍य रूप से काम करने में असमर्थ)

Psychotic, Mad, Lunatic, Insane, Maniac, Unhinged

Sane, Sound, Balanced, Reasonable, Rational, Normal

Rahul is now a deranged man after the accident.



As in crazed

to cause to go insane or as if insane

(उलट पलट करना)

Crazed, Confused, Unhinged, Unsettled, Frenzied

Relaxed, Quieted, Calm, Soothed, Settled

The accident deranged the mental state of all the victims.



The rendering of something free from viable microorganisms. 

(बंध्‍यीकरण, जीवाणुनाशन)

Castrate, Disinfect, Decontaminate, Pasteurize, Sanitize, Change, Purify

Assist, Corrupt, Adulterate, Aid, Dirty, Keep, Remain

The needles should be sterilized before making tattoos.



(used about resources, talent, etc.) available but not yet used

(संसाधन, मेधा आदि के लिए प्रयुक्त) उपलब्ध लेकिन प्रयुक्त नहीं; अप्रयुक्त)

Inaugural, Introductory, Initial, Original, Beginner, Pioneer, Primary, Intact

Final, Last, Concluding, Latest

Bhutan has many untapped natural resources.



Provide support or a firm basis for

(समर्थन या दृढ़ आधार प्रदान करें)

Hold, Bed, Reinforce, Bottom, Uphold, Base, Crutch, Embed

Undermine, Weaken, Fall, Drop, Refuse, Reject, let Down

The families from both sides must play a role to undergird the marriages.



The state of being successful, especially with money

(समृद्धि (धन की दृष्टि से))

Accomplishment, Success, Boom, Growth, Inflation, Increase, Wealth

Decrease, Disadvantage, Failure, Lack, Restriction, Loss

We should wish everyone happiness and prosperity in life.



To cause to move vigorously through a wide arc or circle (गोलाई में मुड़ जाना या किसी वस्‍तु को मोड़ देना)

Curve, sway, Fluctuate, Lurch, Twirl, Turn, Wave, Wobble

Stay, Straighten, Normalize, Stabilize, Remain

Dhruvik swung the ball direction and it hit my head.


A swinging movement or rhythm

(झूलने की गति, लय या उतार-चढ़ाव)

Fluctuation, oscillation, Rhythm, Stroke,

Swaying, Vibration

Stabilizing, Calmness, Staying

The people are swinging in the park and enjoying themselves.



To say formally that you no longer want to have something or to be connected with something

(किसी पर दावा या स्‍वामित्‍व बाक़ायदा छोड़ देना; त्‍याग देना)

Deny, Disavow, Discard, Disown, Eschew, Forgo, Repudiate

Allow, Approve, Admit, Agree, Embrace, Keep, Accept

You must improve your behaviour before your supporters renounced you.



Reduce or cause to reduce in speed

(धीमा करना)

Break, Slow, Inhibit, Retard, Hinder, Halt, Hamper

Accelerate, Speed, Fasten, Hurry, Rush

On a road with heavy traffic, one should decelerate the vehicle.



To break or damage something so that it cannot be used

(इस तरह तोड़ना या क्षति पहुँचाना कि पुनः प्रयोग न हो सके)

Bent, Blemished, Broken, Shattered, Blasted, Destroyed, Demolished, Ruined

Unbroken, Repaired, Fixed, Patched, Healed

I busted my laptop.

As in dismissed

to bring to a lower grade or rank

(निम्न श्रेणी या पद पर लाना)

Broken, Smashed, Shattered, Fractured, Ruined, Fragmented, Destroyed, Demolished

Unbroken, Repaired, Fixed, Patched, Healed

Rahul got busted for drug possession.

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Which dance was traditionally performed at the temple of Lord Jagannatha in Puri by devadasis? / पुरी में भगवान जगन्नाथ के मंदिर में देवदासियों द्वारा पारंपरिक रूप से कौन सा नृत्य किया जाता था? [SSC CGL 27 July 2023]
