QOTD-Logical Reasoning-Looking at a picture, A says to B,
2019-07-16 | Team PendulumEdu
Looking at a picture, A says to B, “The person in the picture is the mother in law of the wife of your son’s uncle”. What is the relation between B and the person in the picture?
A). Mother
B). Mother in law
C). Aunt
D). None of the above
Correct answer: (d)
Let the person in image be P, B’s son be X, B’s son’s uncle be Y and B’s son’s uncle’s wife be Z.
Let us assume M corresponds to male, F corresponds to female, horizontal lines denote relationship of brother or sister and vertical/inclined lines denotes father/mother with son/daughter relationship and double horizontal lines will denote husband wife relationship.
Thus depicting the given information in diagram we get,
As, from the picture it is clear that P can be either mother or mother in law of B
So, none of the above option will be correct.
Hence, (d) is the correct answer.
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