Question of The Day03-09-2022

Choose the most appropriate option to change the voice (active/passive) form of the given sentence.

Dinesh knows us.


Correct Answer : d ) We are known to Dinesh.

Explanation :

The given sentence is in the active voice; we need to change it to passive.

Active structure: Subject (Dinesh) + verb (knows) + object (us)

Passive structure: Object (we) + change of verb accordingly (given below) + to + subject (Dinesh)

The following rules are used:

●      In the simple present tense, the verb (knows) will be changed as the helping verb(are) + third form of the verb(known) + to + subject (Dinesh)

●      knows (active)– are known (passive)

Note: With the action word 'know,' preposition 'to' is used and not 'by' in passive.

So, the sentence in passive voice will be, 'We are known to Dinesh'.

Hence, (d) is the correct answer.



2 years ago

A) we are known by Dinesh

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