Question of The Day12-12-2022

The average of three integers is 13. When a natural number n is included, the average of these four integers remains an odd integer. The minimum possible value of n is


Correct Answer : c ) 5

Explanation :

It is given that the average of three integers is 13.

Let us say the integers are x, y and x

Average of x, y and z = (x + y + z)/3

13 = (x + y + z)/3

x + y + z = 39

Now, a natural number n is added and the new average is an odd number.

Sum of 4 numbers = 39 + n

New Average = (39 + n)/4

Now for (39 + n)/4 to be an odd number, n should be 5, 13, 21,......

The minimum value of n will be 5, to make the new average an odd number.



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