Question of The Day29-12-2022

Observe the faces of the dice and then answer the question.

Which number is on the face opposite to 4?


Correct Answer : b ) 1

Explanation :

To compare different positions of dice to find out the numbers opposite to faces on the dice, we should follow the following steps:

  • First, find the common number/symbol on two positions of the dice.
  • Then, starting from the common symbol, move in the clockwise direction in both the dice position.
  • While moving in the clockwise direction, note down the other numbers/symbols.
  • Lastly, compare the numbers/symbols thus obtained. The next numbers after the common symbol in both the positions of the dice will be on opposite faces of the dice.

NOTE: The above steps should be followed when there is only one common number/symbol on both the position of the dice. If there are two common numbers/symbols on both positions of the dice, then the remaining symbols in both positions will be opposite to each other.

Analyzing the position of the figure given for the dice:

We can see that

In the first and last position, write in a clockwise pattern  with 2 being the common number:

Position I:

2 1 5

Position IV:

2 4 3

Here, we can say that 1 is opposite to 4 and 5 is opposite to 3.

Hence, (b) is the correct answer.



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