Question of The Day20-04-2023

Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to sequentially replace the * signs and balance the equation.

33 * 4 * 15 * 3 * 61 = 188


Correct Answer : b ) x  - ÷ +

Explanation :

The given question is a mathematical operations question.

Let us replace the * symbol in the given equation 33 * 4 * 15 * 3 * 61 = 188 in a sequential manner for the given options one by one.

option (a): +  ÷  x  -

33 * 4 * 15 * 3 * 61 = 188

33 + 4 ÷ 15 x 3 - 61

Let us apply BODMAS and solve

33 + (4/15) x 3 - 61

33 + (4/5) - 8

129/5  188

option (b): x  - ÷ +

33 * 4 * 15 * 3 * 61 = 188

33 x 4 - 15 ÷ 3 + 61

Let us apply BODMAS and solve

132 - 5 + 61

188 = 188

Here, in option b, LHS = RHS

Hence, (b) is the correct answer.

This question was asked in SSC CGL Tier 2 2023 2 March 2023 Question Paper of Logical Reasoning.



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