Question of The Day18-11-2019

Which number will replace the question mark (?) in the following question?

1/2, 0, 3, 13, ?, 1101, 13223


Correct Answer : b ) 111

Explanation :

Considering the given series

121 \over 2, 0, 3, 13, X, 1101, 13223

To obtain the next number from the previous number, the following logic will be applied:

  • The number is first multiplied by twice the position at which the number is.
  • Then the series of first 6 odd natural numbers is subtracted or added from the number.
  • If the number thus obtained is at the odd position, then a number from series of odd natural numbers is subtracted from it.
  • If the number thus obtained is at even position, then a number from series of odd natural numbers is added to it.

The logic in the above series can be explained as

Logical Reasoning Number Series QOTD 18 Nov 2019 

Thus, X = 111

Hence, (b) is the correct answer.

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