Question of The Day06-09-2022

Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. Read the sentences carefully and find which part of speech the underlined word belongs to. Indicate your response on the answer sheet accordingly.

Honesty is the best policy.


Correct Answer : c ) Uncountable Noun

Explanation :

Let us first understand what are countable nouns, uncountable nouns, common nouns, and pronouns.

Countable Nouns are the things that we can count using numbers. For example - one dog, two dog, one shop, one car, here dog, car, shop are countable nouns.

Uncountable nouns are the things that we cannot count using numbers. For example - Air, Knowledge, Beauty, Honesty, Love, etc.

Common Noun are nouns that are generic names of a person, place, or things. Basically, a common noun is a noun that may be preceded by an article or other limiting modifier and that denotes any or all of a class of entities and not an individual. For example - City, Horse, Theory of Evolution, Sports, etc.

Pronouns are the words that are substituted for other nouns when the reader knows which noun are you referring to. For example - He, They, Who, She, etc.

By looking at the above definitions, we can say that Honesty is an uncountable noun.

Hence, (c) is the correct answer.

This question was asked in the UPSC CDS Exam of CDS 2 2022. You can refer to CDS Answer Key and check your score.



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