Question of The Day19-12-2022

Pinky is standing in a queue at a ticket counter. Suppose the ratio of the number of persons standing ahead of Pinky to the number of persons standing behind her in the queue is 3:5. If the total number of persons in the queue is less than 300, then the maximum possible number of persons standing ahead of Pinky is


Correct Answer : a ) 111

Explanation :

It us given that,

Number of persons ahead of Pinky : Number of persons behind Pinky = 3 : 5

Let us say, Number of persons ahead of Pinky = 3x

Then, Number of Persons behind Pinky = 5x

Total number of persons in the queue < 300

Total number of persons = 3x + 5x + 1 (here +1 is being done to count PInky)

Total number of Persons = 8x + 1 < 300

8x < 299

x < 37.7

As the number of persons can only be an integral value only, the maximum possible value of x = 37

Now, Maximum Number of persons ahead of Pinky = 3x = 3 * 37 = 111

Maximum Number of persons behind Pinky = 5x = 5 * 37 = 185

Hence, the correct answer is (a).

This question was asked in CAT 2022 QUANT slot 1 Question paper.





1 year ago

Nice explanation

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