Question of The Day30-07-2022

Choose the most appropriate option to change the narration (direct / indirect) of the given sentence.

Rani will tell him that Tina is ushering the guests.


Correct Answer : b ) Rani will say to him, "Tina is ushering the guests.”

Explanation :

The given sentence is in indirect speech; we need to change it to direct.

In the case of direct speech,

  • When the reporting verb (will say) is in the future tense, there is no change in the tense of reported speech (is ushering, i.e., present continuous tense).
  • Therefore, the present tense remains intact in direct narration (is) as well.
  • Commas and inverted commas replace ‘that’.

The indirect form is – Rani will say to him, "Tina is ushering the guests.”

Hence, (b) is the correct answer.



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