Question of The Day19-10-2021

In the following question, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Could you put the ongoing project on hold for some time?


Correct Answer : a ) You are requested to put the ongoing project on hold for some time.

Explanation :

The given sentence is in active structure; we need to change it to passive.

Active structure: Could + subject (you) + verb (put) + object (the ongoing project)

Passive structure: You + helping verb (are) + third form of verb (requested) + to + first form of verb (put)

The following rules are used:

  • In simple present tense, verb (since request has been made, so ‘request’ will be used as verb) will be changed as helping verb(are) + third form of verb (requested)
  • Complement part (on hold for some time) takes no change.

So, sentence in passive voice will be, “You are requested to put the ongoing project on hold for some time”.

Hence, (a) is the correct answer.



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