Question of The Day29-01-2020

Which of the following states of India share its boundary with both Nepal and Bhutan?


Correct Answer : d ) Both A and C

Explanation :

Nepal is a landlocked country surrounded by India and China. Its capital is Kathmandu. Recently, in view of the confirmed cases of corona virus in Nepal, Indian government has alerted states bordering Nepal i.e. Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Sikkim.

West Bengal and Sikkim are the two Indian states that share their boundaries with both Nepal and Bhutan.

Bhutan is also a landlocked country whose capital is Thimpu.

Nepal border map

Hence, D is the correct answer.

Such questions are asked in various government exams like UPSC CSE, UPSC CDS, UPPCS, other State PCS, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, etc.

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