Question of The Day08-02-2021

In a moderately skewed distribution, the ratio of median and mode is 3 : 7. What will be the ratio of mean and mode?


Correct Answer : c ) 1 : 7

Explanation :

The empirical relationship between Mean, mode and median is given as

Mean – Mode = 3 (Mean – Median)………….(1)

According to the question, ratio of median and mode is 3 : 7

Let us assume median be 3x and mode be 7x

Thus, putting the value in equation (1)

⇒ Mean – 7x = 3 (Mean – 3x)

⇒ 3 Mean – Mean = 9x – 7x

⇒ Mean = x

Now, ratio between mean and mode will be x : 7x = 1 : 7

Hence, (c) is the correct answer.

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