Question of The Day10-04-2023

Which valley of the following rivers is known for deep Ravines?


Correct Answer : c ) Chambal

Explanation :

The Chambal valley has high banks with deep and widely development ravines by which it is known as Chambal ravines (Chambal Beehad).

The Chambal valley can be divided into two parts i.e. the first part is the bank of Chambal ravines (Beehads) where series of ravines deep gullies and ridges of dividing moulds are developed.

On the other hand, the main canal of Chambal of south-eastern plain part is very fertile.

Hence, (c) is the correct answer.

This question was asked in MPPSC General Studies 2019 Prelims Paper. Buy MPPCS Prelims 2023 Test Series now!!



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