Question of The Day06-05-2023

Which of the following Sultans launched the Qarachil expedition?


Correct Answer : b ) Mohammad bin Tughlaq

Explanation :

Muhammad bin Tughluq (Juna Khan as crown prince) was the son of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq. He was the eighteenth Sultan of Delhi.

He ruled from February 1325 until his death in 1351. During his rule, he captured Warangal, Ma'abar and Madurai. 

In 1333, Sultan Mohammad bin Tughlaq launched the Qarachil expedition in the Kumaon hills in Himalayas to control the entry of horses from the Chinese side (Sinkiang).

Ibn Batutta, a famous Moroccan traveler, was appointed a qadi (judge) by Muhammad bin Tughlaq. 

Hence, (b) is the correct answer.



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