Question of The Day09-05-2023

The Sum of digits of a 2-digit number is 12. When the digits are reversed, the number becomes greater by eighteen. What is the difference between the digits in the number?


Correct Answer : b ) 2

Explanation :

Let the number be xy

xy can be written as 10x + y (y is at unit's place and x is at ten's place)

when the digits are reversed, the number becomes yx

yx can be written as 10y + x

It is given that after reversal, the number becomes greater by 18.

So, we can write that

yx - xy = 18, or

10y + x - (10x + y) = 18

9y - 9x = 18

9(y - x) = 18

y - x = 2

Hence, the difference between the digits is 2.

Therefore, (b) is the correct answer.

This question was asked in UPSC CDS 1 2023 Elementary Mathematics Paper.



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