Daily Current Affairs and GK | 05 February 2020

By PendulumEdu | Last Modified: 17 Jun 2021 17:53 PM IST

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Current Affairs

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1. One Nation, One Tax, One Ration card to be implemented soon

  • One Nation, One Tax, One Ration Card will be applicable soon as said by Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing the election rally in Delhi.
  • One Nation, One Ration Card scheme aims to ensure the portability of the ration card across the entire country.
  • Currently, 12 states including Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Telangana, Haryana, etc. are providing ration portability.
  • The scheme will be rolled out across the country on July 1, 2020.
  • Under the scheme, a person would be entitled to the subsidies supported by the center under the National Food Security Act i.e rice @3/Kg and wheat @2/Kg.
  • A migrant under the scheme will be allowed to buy a maximum of 50% of the family quota.
  • The scheme is under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution.


2. G7 to work with WHO, EU, and China to tackle Coronavirus

  • G7 has agreed to work with WHO, EU, and China to tackle Coronavirus.
  • Hong Kong has reported 1 death from Coronavirus.
  • Doctors from Beijing stated that there are no signs of mutation of the virus.
  • In India, Kerala has declared Coronavirus as a state disaster with 3 confirmed cases in the state.
  • Coronavirus:
    • It is a family of viruses that can cause illness in humans and animals like a bat, camel, etc. The animal coronavirus gets transmitted to humans to cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
    • The 2019 strain is a novel coronavirus believed to spread through animals.
  • G7:
    • It is an intergovernmental economic organization formed in 1975.
    • The member countries are United States, Japan, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, Italy.
    • The 2018 summit was held in Canada while the 2019 summit (45th) was held in Biarritz, France.


3. Defence Expo 2020 to start in Lucknow

  • The 11th edition of the biennial Defence Expo has started in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
  • It is a 5-day event inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
  • The exhibition showcased new Defence technologies and related items.
  • The event will witness the participation of countries, exhibitors and the companies.
  • Indigenously manufactured aircraft Dornier will also be displayed.
  • For the 1st time, Indo- Africa conclave would be organized witnessing the participation of more than 30 countries.
  • Defence Expo:
    • Def Expo is an exhibition organized by the Defence Exhibition Organisation.
    • It is a biennial event showing new defence technology.
    • 2018 DEF Expo was held in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.


4. No document to be collected during the updation of National Population Register

  • In written replies in Lok Sabha, Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai said that the updation of NPR does not require the submission of any document and giving Aadhar number is voluntary.
  • He also informed that the instruction manual of NPR 2020 for supervisors and enumerators have been prepared.
  • NPR collects the demographic details of all those who have been residing in India for 6months or have plans to stay in India for next 6 months.
  • It is different from NRC as it seeks to update the list of the residents of India or persons living in India.


5. Mirabai Chanu won gold in National Weightlifting Championship in Kolkata

  • Mirabai Chanu, Indian weightlifter, won gold in the National Weightlifting Championship held in Kolkata by lifting a total of 203 Kg.
  • She broke her record of 201 Kg made in World Championship in Thailand in 2019.
  • With this gold, she has achieved the fourth position in the world ranking after Chinese Jiang Huihua (212kg) and Hou Zhihui (211kg) and Korean Ri Song Gum (209kg).


6. New vaccine developed to control swine fever

  • A new vaccine has been developed by Uttar Pradesh-based ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) to control swine fever among pigs.
  • Swine fever is a contagious fatal pig disease and results in a fall in the number of pigs.
  • Currently lapinized CSF (Classical Swine Fever) vaccine is being used which involves the sacrifice of rabbits.
  • The new vaccine has been developed by using several Indian strains which is a herb found in Hindukush.
  • Classical Swine Fever:
    • Also called hog disease, CSF is a viral disease caused by Pestivirus.
    • It is a contagious disease of domestic and wild swine or pigs.
    • It does not affect humans.


7. Bank deposits’ insurance cover has been increased from 1 lakh to 5 lakh

  • The insurance cover on bank deposits that is provided by Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) has been increased from 1 lakh to 5 lakh.
  • The premium on deposits has been increased from 10 to 12 paisa per 100 rupees deposited.
  • The Deposit Insurance Scheme covers the private sector, cooperative and branches of foreign banks.
  • It does not include deposits of foreign governments, deposits of Central and State Governments, and inter-bank deposits. It also does not include the deposits of NBFCs.
  • DICGC:
    • Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of RBI.
    • It was established in July 1978 under the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961.
    • The organization has its headquarters in Mumbai.


8. Locust attack in the Horn of Africa

  • Locust infestation has occurred across Horn of Africa following which Somalia has declared a national emergency.
  • They are attacking the food crops thus hampering food supplies.
  • The attack has been due to the extreme climate swings.
  • There have been 6 major desert locust attacks in 1900s, the last of which was in 1987-89. The last major attack was in 2003-05.
  • Locusts:
    • Locusts are a collection of species of short-horned grasshoppers belonging to the Acrididae family produced by supporting environmental conditions.
    • They congregate among green plants.
    • The desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) is found in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia and normally follows drought conditions when there is intense competition for food.
  • Horn of Africa:
    • It is the easternmost projection of Africa lying to the south of the Gulf of Aden.
    • The countries included in the region are Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti.


9. Navdeep Singh Suri assumes India's co-chair of Expo 2020 Dubai Committee

  • India’s Ambassador to UAE Navdeep Singh Suri has assumed the responsibility to co-chair the World Expo 2020 Dubai Committee.
  • The main theme of the expo is “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” and its three sub-themes are Opportunity, Mobility, and Sustainability.
  • Under the expo, the countries will showcase their strength in innovation and start-ups of high tech sectors.
  • FICCI or Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry is the industry partner from the Indian side.
  • World Expo
    • World Expo or International Registered Exhibitions are organized every 5 years showcasing the universal themes affecting the world.
    • Since the 1928 Convention Relating to International Exhibitions, the Bureau International des Expositions (International Bureau of Exhibitions) sanctions the event along with the other three events i.e Specialized Expo, Horticulture Expo, and Triennale di Milano.


10. Kumbabishekam in Brihadeshwara temple

  • Kumbabishekam organized in Brihadeshwara Temple in Tamil Nadu.
  •  It is a Hindu temple ritual in which the top or the Shikhara of the temple is given a ritual bath.
  • Brihadeshwara Temple:
    • The temple in Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu built by Raja Raja Chola I between 1003 and 1010 AD.
    • The temple dedicated to Shiva is located on the bank of Kaveri and is built in Dravidian architecture.
    • It is a part of the UNESCO World Heritage site.



Multiple Choice Questions

1. One Nation, One Ration Card scheme is related to which of the following dimensions?

A. Mobility

B. Health

C. Food Security

D. LPG supply


2. Which of the following Indian states has declared Coronavirus as a health emergency?

A. Karnataka

B. Kerala

C. Tamil Nadu

D. Chhattisgarh


3. Def Expo 2020 is being organized in which of the following places?

A. Lucknow

B. Delhi

C. Mumbai

D. Chandigarh


4. NPR contains the collected data about

A. Usual Resident of India

B. Citizens of India

C. Both

D. None


5. Where is National Weightlifting Championship being held in India?

A. Amritsar

B. Kolkata

C. Delhi

D. Chandigarh


6. Which of the following is true about Classic Swine Fever?

A. It is a viral disease

B. It affects wild pigs only

C. It affects humans also

D. It is a non-contagious disease


7. Bank Deposits’ insurance as provided by DICGC covers

A. Recurring deposits

B. Saving Account deposits

C. Fixed Deposits

D. All of the above


8. Which of the following countries is not included under the Horn of Africa?

A. Ethiopia

B. Somalia

C. Djibouti

D. Kenya


9. World Expo 2020 will be held in which of the following countries?


B. Brazil

C. India

D. Russia


10. Who among the following built Brihadeshwara Temple?

A. Rajaraja Chola I

B. Rajendra Chola

C. Krishandevraya

D. Krishna 3




1. C

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. D

8. D

9. A

10. A






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