Question of The Day25-12-2022

When does an Autumnal equinox occur?


Correct Answer : a ) September 22

Explanation :

An equinox is an event in which a planet's subsolar point passes through its equator. The equinoxes occur twice a year. The Autumnal equinox (Fall equinox) is the first day of the autumn season and occurs when the sun shines perpendicular to the Earth's surface. After this, the North Pole begins to tilt away from the Sun. The length of day and night are almost equal. The autumnal equinox is closer to September 22.

The Spring equinox (Vernal equinox)  is the first day of the spring season and occurs when the Sun passes through the equator on its way from the Southern to the Northern Hemisphere. After this, the North Pole starts tilting towards the Sun again. The spring equinox occurs on March 21.

Hence, (a) is the correct answer.



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