Daily Current Affairs and GK | 4 March 2022

By PendulumEdu | Last Modified: 04 Mar 2022 17:25 PM IST

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Topic: Government Schemes and Initiatives

1. Government has approved a proposal to continue scheme for migrants, repatriates.

  • The government has approved the proposal to continue seven existing sub schemes under the Umbrella Scheme “Relief and Rehabilitation of Migrants and Repatriates”.
  • It has been approved with a total outlay of Rs 1,452 crore for the period 2021-22 to 2025-26.
  • The government had started different schemes at different points of time.
  • It will help migrants and repatriates to earn a reasonable income and facilitate their inclusion in mainstream economic activities.
  • The scheme will provide financial assistance and other facilities to persons, who were victims of militancy, insurgency, communal and Left Wing Extremism (LWE).
  • It will also help displaced families of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Victims of the 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots.
  • The government is giving grants-in-aid to the West Bengal government for infrastructure development in 51 erstwhile Bangladeshi enclaves in India.

Topic: Awards and Prizes

2. NMCG has been awarded ‘Special Jury Award’ at 7th India Industry Water Conclave and 9th edition of FICCI Water Awards.

  • 7th India Industry Water Conclave and 9th edition of FICCI Water Awards was held virtually, from 2nd to 3rd March, 2022.
  • Union Minister for Jal Shakti Gajendra Singh Shekhawat inaugurated 2nd edition of the ‘Roorkee Water Conclave’.
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee and National Institute of Hydrology are jointly organizing the conclave from 2nd March to 4th March 2022.
  • 'Water Security for Sustainable Development' is the central theme of the Roorkee Water Conclave this year.
  • National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) has set up an exhibition at the Roorkee Water Conclave till 7th March 2022.
  • National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) was registered as a society on 12 August 2011. It acted as the implementation arm of the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA). G. Asok Kumar is the Director General of NMCG.

Topic: Reports and Indices

3. IPCC report says that extreme climate conditions are threatening food security in South Asia.

  • The report mentions that escalated floods and droughts are making India and Pakistan the most vulnerable to climate change.
  • The report is titled "Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability". This is report of second working group of three working groups constituted for IPCC‘s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).
  • The report said that if temperature increases from 1 degree to 4 degrees, rice production in India can decrease by 10% to 30% and maize production in India can decrease by 25% to 70%.
  • As per the studies cited in the IPCC report released on 28 February, Lucknow and Patna will reach wet-bulb temperatures of 35 degrees Centigrade if emissions continued to increase.
  • Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Mumbai, Indore, and Ahmedabad are at risk of reaching wet-bulb temperatures of 32-34 degree centigrade if emissions continued to rise.
  • Wet-bulb temperatures in Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Mumbai, Indore and Ahmedabad are at risk of reaching 32-34 degrees centigrade if emissions continue to rise.
  • All Indian states have regions where wet-bulb temperature of 30 degrees Centigrade or more will be reached.
  • Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab will be the most severely affected.
  • Global sea levels may increase by 44-76 cm this century if different governments are able to meet their current emission-cutting pledges.
  • However, if emissions continue to grow, sea levels might rise by as much as 2 metres this century and 5 metres by 2150.
  • Wet-bulb temperature is temperature measured by a thermometer wrapped in water-soaked cloth over which air is passed.

Topic: Miscellaneous

4. Swiss Air Lines has agreed to use Synhelion's solar aviation fuel.   

  • Swiss International Air Lines AG commonly referred to as Swiss or Swiss Air Lines will be first airline in the world to use ‘sun-to-liquid' fuel.
  • Synhelion has devised a process, which uses concentrated sunlight to produce carbon-neutral kerosene.
  • This year, Synhelion will construct world's first facility for industrial production of solar fuel in Germany. Swiss will become first consumer for solar kerosene in 2023.
  • As part of the agreement, Swiss and its parent company Lufthansa will also support Synhelion's commercial fuel production facility in Spain.
  • Synhelion is a company. It uses solar energy to change CO2 and water into syngas. Solar kerosene, diesel, gasoline, or hydrogen are the end products of the process.
  • Solar fuels are synthetic fuels that are produced from solar energy.

Topic: MoUs / Agreements

5. An MoU signed to promote Start-up in latest Daylight Harvesting Technology.

  • The Ministry of Science and Technology has decided to support a one-of-a-kind start-up in the latest Daylight Harvesting Technology in order to reduce carbon emissions and increase building energy efficiency.
  • Hyderabad-based "Skyshade Daylights Pvt Ltd" has signed an MoU with the Technology Development Board, a statutory body of the Department of Science and Technology.
  • TDB will provide Skyshade a Rs 5 crore grant to develop new technologies for basement illumination on a 24x7 basis.
  • The Skyshade has now come up with two more innovative solutions, named Human Centric-Climate Adaptive Building Facade and Central Integrated Daylighting System.
  • Daylighting technology is basically bringing natural sunlight inside the rooms. It will reduce electrical lighting energy consumption by 70-80%.

Topic: Important Days

6. National Safety Day 2022: 4 March

  • The National Safety Council of India commemorates National Safety Day (NSD) every year on 4th March.
  • This day is celebrated with the goal of raising awareness and commitment to work safely.
  • The theme of the National Safety Day 2022 is ‘Nurture young minds - Develop safety culture’.
  • National Safety Day was first observed in 1972, on the anniversary of the National Safety Council's establishment.
  • National Safety Council:
    • It was founded on March 4, 1966, by the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
    • Its headquarters is in Navi Mumbai.
    • It was founded to develop and implement a voluntary routine in the areas of safety, health, and the environment.
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Topic: Awards and Prizes

7. Ministry of Tourism has started Swadesh Darshan Awards in different categories.

  • The entries for awards have been invited under seven different categories from states and Union Territories of India.
  • Swadesh Darshan Awards will highlight best practices, which include achievement of planned objectives, innovative approach, and adoption of sustainability principles in planning, design and operations.
  • Under Swadesh Darshan scheme, Ministry of Tourism has sanctioned 76 projects in 31 States/Union Territories for more than Rs 5500 Crore. 
  • Swadesh Darshan scheme:
    • It is a scheme of Ministry of Tourism. It was launched in 2014-2015. It is a Central Sector scheme.
    • It aims to promote, develop and harness the potential of tourism in India.

Topic: Defence

8. More than 140 aircraft of Indian Air Force will participate in 2022 edition of Vayu Shakti.

  • Vayu Shakti 2022 will be held at Rajasthan’s Pokhran test facility on March 7.
  • Rafale, LCA Tejas, Sukhoi-30, and other fighter jets will take part in Vayu Shakti 2022.
  • The exercise will demonstrate Indian Air Force’s capability to conduct full-spectrum operations.
  • It will also demonstrate Indian Air Force’s capability to defend vital areas and points by employing surface-to-air guided weapons.
  • Vayu Shakti is Indian Air Force’s biggest exercise. It is held every three years to showcase India’s air power. Its last edition was held on February 16, 2019.  

2022 edition of Vayu Shakti

(Source: News on AIR)

Topic: MoUs/Agreements

9. India and International Telecommunication Union signed Host Country Agreement (HCA) during WTSA-20 assembly.

  • India and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) signed the Host Country Agreement (HCA) for establishing an Area Office & Innovation Centre of ITU in New Delhi.
  • The Host Country Agreement provides the legal and financial framework for the establishment and operations of the Area Office.
  • The Area Office and Innovation Centre of ITU will encourage research and development in telecommunication technologies in South Asia.
  • The Innovation Centre will provide a platform to academics, start-ups, and SMEs to showcase their innovation at a global stage
  • The World Telecommunications Standardisation Assembly-20 (WTSA-20) is a global conference for the standardization of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs).
  • India will host the next WTSA in 2024. ITU recognized one of the three technologies standard developed for 5G.
  • International Telecommunication Union:
    • It is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies.
    • 193 countries are members of this Union.

India and International Telecommunication Union signed  HCA

(Source: News on AIR)

Topic: Environment and Ecology

10. 5th UN Environment Assembly concluded in Nairobi.

  • The Fifth UN Environment Assembly ended with 14 resolutions to strengthen actions for nature to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The overall theme for UNEA-5 was “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”.
  • Three resolutions were related to ecosystem restoration, biodiversity protection, resource efficiency, consumption, and production patterns.
  • Member countries also signed a resolution on animal welfare for protecting animals, and their habitats.
  • The Assembly also adopted a resolution to accelerate actions to significantly reduce nitrogen waste from all sources.
  • Member nations agreed to create an intergovernmental committee to negotiate and finalize a legally binding plastics treaty by 2024.
  • It will help in reducing plastic pollution in marine and other environments.
  • Members states also agreed upon the urgent need to halt the global decline of biodiversity and the fragmentation of habitats.
  • UN Environment Assembly brings together businesses, civil society, and other stakeholders to agree on policies to resolve environmental challenges. It has 193 members.

Topic: Defence

11. 19th edition of India-US Military Cooperation Group (MCG) meeting concluded in Agra.

  • It was co-chaired by Air Marshal BR Krishna from the Indian side and Lieutenant General Stephen D Sklenka from the US side.
  • Both leaders discussed various topics including strengthening the ongoing defence engagements between both sides.
  • They also discussed ways to improve ongoing engagement between both countries.
  • India-US MCG is a forum to promote defence cooperation between both countries through regular talks at the strategic and operational levels.
  • India-US Defense cooperation:
    • India- U.S signed the ‘New Framework for India-U.S. Defense Relations’ in 2005.
    • India and the United States had launched a Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) to simplify technology transfer policies and possibilities of co-development.
    • In 2016, the U.S. recognized India as a "Major Defence Partner”.

19th edition of India-US Military Cooperation Group

(Source: PIB)

Topic: State News/ Rajasthan

12. Rajasthan government announced ‘Camel Protection and Development Policy’.

  • Camel is the state animal of Rajasthan but its number is continuously declining.
  • Rajasthan government has allocated a budget of Rs 10 crore for the rearing, protection, and overall development of camels.
  • At present, less than two lakh camels are left in Rajasthan and in the entire country, the number of camels has reduced by 1.5 lakh since 2012.
  • According to the 2019 livestock census, around 2.52 lakh camels have left in India.
  • About 85 percent of camels are found in Gujarat, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Rajasthan government had declared the camel as the state animal in 2014.
  • World Camel Day is observed every year on 22 June to recognize the importance of camels to the livelihood of a large population.
  • Camel:
    • Camel is an even-toed ungulate (hoofed animals) that belongs to genus Camelus.
    • There are three species of Camel- One-humped Dromedary (Arabian Camel), Two-humped Bactrian camel and Wild Bactrian Camel (not domesticated -critically endangered). More than 90% of the camels in the world are dromedaries.
    • It is a sustainable livestock having lowest ecological footprints.

Topic: Space and IT

13. NASA launched next generation weather satellite to monitor environment and climate.

  • The satellite named Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-T) has been launched for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
  • It is third in a series of next-generation weather satellites.
  • It was launched from United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.
  • It will help National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in forecasting “hazardous weather conditions” like hurricanes, thunderstorms, floods, and fires in the western hemisphere.
  • It will also forecast space weather near earth that can interfere with satellite electronics, GPS, and radio communications.
  • GOES-T has been kept in a geostationary orbit 22,300 miles above earth.
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):
    • It is an independent space agency of the U.S. federal government.
    • It is responsible for the space program, and space research in the USA.

Topic: Banking System

14. RBI cancels license of Sarjeraodada Naik Shirala Sahakari Bank Ltd.

  • The license of Sangli-based Sarjeraodada Naik Shirala Sahakari Bank Ltd has been cancelled due to lack of adequate capital and earning prospects.
  • The bank with its present financial position is unable to pay its present depositors in full.
  • RBI has prohibited it from conducting business, which also includes acceptance of deposits and repayment of deposits.
  • The bank is not complying with various sections of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
  • On liquidation, every depositor would be entitled to receive deposit insurance claim up to Rs 5,00,000 from Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC).
  • RBI has also given an order to appoint a liquidator for the Sarjeraodada Naik Shirala Sahakari Bank Ltd.





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